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A new RUNSAFE publication recently surfaced with the aim to To explore how average weekly running distance, combined with changes in diet habits and…
The Danish TrygFonden foundation has earmarked a total of DKK 24 million over the next four years to ensure the further development and national…
If you have added public holidays to your calendar in Outlook, and you are using Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2010, you should be aware that the dates for…
Everyone is welcome to watch the solar eclipse at Moesgaard Museum on 20 March 2015. Safe solar telescopes will be available, and staff and students…
AU will be taking a front row seat on 20 March, when Denmark will have a chance to watch the sun disappear behind the moon’s shadow, one of the most…
The European Research Council (ERC) established by the European Commission has just awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant of 2 million euro to Associate…
The quality of indoor air at European nursing homes affects the health of the elderly residents’ lungs. For the first time this is shown by research.…
Connie Sanchez Morillo is joining Aarhus University as an honorary professor. She is currently employed as a researcher at Lundbeck Research in New…
Kari Tanderup has just been appointed professor at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. In the professorship she will continue her…
Together with a German and an American colleague, Ole Søgaard from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has just received DKK 9.9 million…
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