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The Centre for Medical Education (MEDU) is changing its name to the Centre for Health Sciences Education (CESU). The change of name will highlight the…
AU’s IT systems and electrical installations are due for a check-up again. This is called a “service window”, and the next one will take place on the…
During the last decade, physicists throughout the world have developed and refined laser spectroscopy research to such an extent that it is now…
The senior management team has decided that the local liaison committees (LSUs) at the administrative divisions and administrative centres will in…
The names of the majority of units the administrative centres and administrative divisions have been adjusted to reflect the organisational changes of…
The NeuroCampus Aarhus website has moved to this location:http://www.neurocampus.au.dk
Read NEWS and EVENTS about the neuroscience field at Aarhus…
Using a computer game, a research group at Aarhus University has found a way to gain deeper insight into the human thought process. The results have…
Lin Lin from Aarhus University has received the Lundbeck Foundation Talent Award. The prize has been awarded for her research, which is aimed towards…
Poul Sørensen has just been appointed Honorary Professor at the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University. He comes with more than 20 years of…
Direct access to data in medical records for researchers will benefit patients in the future.
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