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Contractors are now getting ready to begin the construction work along Randersvej and the tunnel construction beneath Nørrebrogade. The construction…
SKT (School for Dental Assistants, Hygienists and Clinical Technicians) has succeeded in establishing a meaningful alternative to traditional…
A new partnership agreement between Aarhus University and USA's leading hospital Mayo Clinic now gives PhD students the chance to carry out research…
CFIN researcher and head of the Music In the Brain research group, Peter Vuust has just received funding - up to DKK 52 mio - from The Danish National…
Holstebro Regional Hospital has got a University Research Clinic in Hand, Hip and Knee Surgery for the benefit of patients and citizens in the Central…
Friday 26 September was an anniversary at Health. Almost 200 doctors, dentists and dental hygienists were present to celebrate that 25, 40 or 50 years…
Professor J. Michael Hasenkam will leave his position as Vice-Dean for Knowledge Exchange at Aarhus University at the end of October. He is returning…
Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital are partners in the world's first national collaboration between public hospitals, universities and…
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