Aarhus University Seal

New pat on the back for research in West Jutland

Holstebro Regional Hospital has got a University Research Clinic in Hand, Hip and Knee Surgery for the benefit of patients and citizens in the Central Denmark Region.

Aarhus University, Aarhus University Hospital and the Central Denmark Region have appointed a University Research Clinic in Hand, Hip and Knee Surgery at Holstebro Regional Hospital. The naming is the fifth of its kind since Herning received Denmark's first University Research Clinic back in 2012, and it cements the idea of high-quality research belonging both at the university, the university hospital and the regional hospitals.

"We are sending a signal to both research environments and citizens that researchers can work at the forefront of their field regardless of whether they belong to Eastern, Central or Western Jutland", says the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Aarhus University, Allan Flyvbjerg.

"The framework created by a University Research Clinic will strengthen the local research environment. But the most important aspect of all is that research must benefit the patients, as new knowledge can now be brought into play faster in an active research department".

Allan Flyvbjerg adds that being named as a University Research Clinic is a seal of approval that is the result of a comprehensive application process involving the Central Denmark Region, Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital.

Recognition of research into common diseases

Chairman of the Regional Council Bent Hansen is pleased to see that the area of orthopaedic surgery has been selected this time:

"We are pleased with the recognition of the fact that high-level research also takes place within the common diseases in the population, and that it is done with a focus on turning the results into practice. Targeted research in fast track programmes shows that there are advantages to performing same day ambulatory operations, even when these are complicated operations, so that patients can recover faster. What this requires is specific knowledge about the organisation and structure of patient pathways from preparation to rehabilitation. That requires knowledge about pain relief and how we can make the best possible use of the patient's own resources. Orthopaedic surgery at the Regional Hospital West Jutland has spent years compiling this expertise, and now it has been named as University Research Clinic, it will be easier to realise and create new knowledge that will benefit patients and citizens in other parts of the region too."

Head Consultant and Professor Torben Bæk Hansen from the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery sees the naming first and foremost as recognition of the department’s targeted efforts to build a research-based department with significance not only for the Central Denmark Region, but for Denmark as a whole.

"But just as importantly this creates the basis for us to be able to offer high quality treatment of our patients in the future, and also to have the opportunity to recruit and retain the best research-minded doctors. In addition, we will now be able to consolidate our research, expand our research areas and promote our cooperation with international partners," he says.

The first professor from the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery was affiliated with Aarhus University in 2013. The department also has four associate professors affiliated with the university. The department provides teaching of medical doctors undertaking their specialist medical training in orthopaedic surgery and of medical students from Aarhus University.

Once the new hospital in Gødstrup is completed, the new University Research Clinic will become part of its Centre for Research and Education.


The five University Research Clinics have been named in the following areas:

  • Neurorehabilitation, Hammel Neurorehabilitation and Research Centre
  • Innovative patient pathways, Silkeborg Regional Hospital
  • Occupational medicine, Herning Regional Hospital
  • Kidney diseases and high blood pressure, Holstebro Regional Hospital
  • Hand, Hip and Knee Surgery, Holstebro Regional Hospital

Further information

Dean Allan Flyvbjerg
Aarhus University
Tel.: +45 5177 9548

Chairman of the Regional Council Bent Hansen
Central Denmark Region
Tel.: +45 7841 0010 or +45 4031 3707

Professor and Head Consultant Torben Bæk Hansen
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Regional Hospital West Jutland
Tel.: +45 2213 2307