New technology to spot liver cancer much earlier
A new extra sensitive scanning method combined with advanced artificial intelligence can find even small tumours in the liver at a much earlier stage than is possible today. Associate Professor Christoffer Laustsen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital is heading the project, which receives DKK 3 million from the 'Beat Cancer' fundraising campaign.
The number of liver cancer cases in Denmark is increasing. Despite this, we do not have any imaging examinations that are precise or sensitive enough to be able to find very small cancerous tumours in the liver. In a new research project, Research Director and Associate Professor Christoffer Laustsen is testing a new research project with an extra sensitive MRI imaging technique which can, in combination with artificial intelligence, help medical doctors to diagnose liver cancer both more precisely and earlier than today.
In the new MRI scanning method, the researchers use a contrast agent that is more than 20,000 times stronger when compared to conventional MRI methods. Because of this, they are able to very precisely monitor how even very small tumours absorb and convert metabolic substances – a so-called metabolic fingerprint. The metabolic fingerprint is significantly different in cancer cells compared to normal tissue.
The Danish Cancer Society are supporting the project with DKK 3 from this year’s Beat Cancer campaign under the category ”Talented young cancer researchers”.
Associate Professor, Research Director Christoffer Laustsen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University, The MR Research Centre
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