Aarhus University Seal

Newsletter 103 January 2020

We are off to a great start in 2020. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas holiday. We make an effort to ensure that the newsletter only contains the most relevant information. Which is why it is great that the majority of you read the newsletter.

Store room

It is now possible to register your purchases in the store room electronically. We would appreciate advice and tips on how everything from interior design to prices can be improved. One tip has already had the effect that the price of the popular 50 and 15 ml tubes from Greiner have been significantly reduced. Write to skouslager@biomed.au.dk with good advice and tips. For partial coverage of the running costs of the store room, 5 % are added to our purchase prices. The current prices in the store room have had 15% added, and until the new prices are entered into the system, a discount will be granted on the invoicing.


Salary negotiations 

The annual salary negotiations at Health 2020 start on 3 February 2020 and must be completed on 30 June 2020. Read more and apply online: https://medarbejdere.au.dk/administration/hr/lonadm/loenforhandling/loenforhandlinger-paa-health/

Please note that the application form will not be available until 3 February.  



At the beginning of February, we will notify holidays that have not been held yet and the 6th holiday week to be held before 1 May 2020. In order to avoid receiving the notification, you can plan your holiday by contacting the secretariat during week 6.



Everyone having a work phone who also uses the phone for private use is subject to multimedia taxation. During February, we will review our telephone subscriptions and thus ensure that all are registered correctly.


New mandatory laboratory courses  

During the spring of 2020, those responsible for labs and their group leaders will be invited to a course in the use and disposal of chemicals and hazardous waste. The first round will be in the Skou Building (where the procedures are least established) but subsequently, the courses will be expanded to include the other buildings.   


Research seminar Monday

Antoine de Morree from Stanford will visit the department and give a seminar Monday 3/2 at 13:15 in the Eduard Biermann Lecture Theatre: Post-transcriptional control of muscle stem cell function.


Upcoming department seminars

Can be seen on the front page of the department's external website (under events): https://biomed.au.dk



All computers at the Department of Biomedicine must be encrypted, but unfortunately a very large part of them is not. Read more here https://medarbejdere.au.dk/administration/it/vejledninger/sikkerhed/kryptering-computer/about how you find out whether your computer is encrypted, and how to get it encrypted, if it is not. A lack of encryption can entail that you suddenly will not be able to access various services and networks at AU.

Screening of outgoing e-mails

To avoid sending e-mails with personal information eg. personal identification numbers, all outgoing mails are screened for sensitive data. Read more about it here: https://newsroom.au.dk/en/news/show/artikel/translate-to-english-nyt-vaerktoej-skal-minimere-utilsigtet-deling-af-foelsomme-data/. If your mail is stopped you will be informed by the system. 

Publication support

The AUFF (Aarhus University Research Foundation) has opened up for applications for publication support for 2020. Read more here:  https://auff.au.dk/en/grants/publication-support/ 


Welcome to 

Lasse Sommer Kristensen is new associate professor and group leader at the department. He started on 1 January. Lasse is funded by a Lundbeck Fellow grant of DKK 10 million. He has an office and lab on the second floor of the Skou Building.


Relevant events and deadlines 

Information about ERC Advanced Grants on 25 February 2020. Read more about the programme and sign up here: https://ufm.dk/aktuelt/arrangementer/2020/informationsmode-om-erc-25-februar-2020-i-aarhus/informationsmode-om-erc-advanced-grants-for-senior-forskere


Sapere Aude research leader grants

Deadline 26. March: https://dff.dk/en/application/call-for-proposals-2019-uk.pdf


The increase in cost of the Skou building – listen to Arnold Boon’s comments

As you know, the construction of Skou was both delayed and more expensive than expected. The cost increase is now assessed to approx. DKK 185 million. Read more here: https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/penge/styrelse-i-strid-med-5-universiteter-om-8-byggerier-se-dem-her


Minutes from the last meeting in the Faculty Collaboration committee (FSU) 5. December can be seen here (sorry its in Danish):



Best regards

Thomas G. Jensen