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How can drugs used for treating e.g. dementia bypass the blood-brain barrier? This is one of the questions that Morten Schallburg Nielsen, new…
Health brings the faculty's two honours programmes together in a single programme and creates an interdisciplinary programme under the title 'Research…
Some people suffer frequent infections and become very ill, while others are almost never affected. In a new professorship, Trine Hyrup Mogensen from…
Senior Researcher Claus Olesen and Associate Professor Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen, both from the Department of Biomedicine, have been named Novo…
As part of an international collaboration, researchers from Aarhus University have succeeded in developing a dynamic 3D CT scanning method that…
Postdoc Kristine Raaby Gammelgaard from Aarhus University's Department of Biomedicine receives almost DKK 1.5 million from the Independent Research…
A recently identified mechanism in the immune system reveals a previously unknown protein that could provide an opening to a better understanding of…
The article is entitled "Contributions of Retinal Direction Selectivity to Central Visual Processing".
Nanna started as a PhD student in Poul Henning Jensen's group August 1st 2020, where she will continue her work on the organotypic slice culture model…
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