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The article: "PKR kinase directly regulates tau expression and Alzheimer's disease?related tau phosphorylation" was made in collaboration between…
On the background of its climate strategy, AU is launching 44 concrete activities that will contribute to making the university more climate-friendly.…
The university has to cancel the traditional annual celebration and Denmark's biggest Friday bar and sports day. An unfortunate but necessary…
This year, Crown Prince Frederik can celebrate graduating as an MSc in political science from Aarhus University 25 years ago. The Crown Prince…
Birgit Bonefeld er en af landets eneste forskere i bæredygtige tekstiler – et område, der har stor betydning for den grønne omstilling, og som er et…
A urine sample may turn out to be enough to find out how well new drugs for patients with cystic fibrosis work. Researchers from Aarhus University…
Lucie Woloszczukova started as PhD student in Anders Nykjær's group on 1 August 2020. She will study how the signaling alterations during dopaminergic…
The paper by Muwan Chen, Muyesier Maimaitili, Mette Habekost, Katherine P. Gill, Noëmie Mermet-Joret, Sadegh Nabavi, Fabia Febbraro, and Mark Denham…
Aarhus University places a high priority on in-person teaching activities on campus. The university’s general policy is that this autumn’s teaching…
Due to a recent coronavirus outbreak, all parties in connection with orientation week introduction week have been cancelled, and there will be no…
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