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In relation to her bachelor project she will, under supervision of Keisuke, perform experiments to examine the function of the Vax2 gene in the retina…
The programme for the 13 Psychiatry Research Day is now available.
New academic regulations for the Bachelor's and Master's degree programme in Medicine have now been approved. Better coherence between the courses,…
Big data, algorithms and artificial intelligence have already begun to provide new opportunities in the healthcare system, and all study programmes…
The focus at Health’s annual PhD Day next January will be innovation and business collaboration in research. Hear why the organisation committee has…
Two researchers from the Department of Clinical Medicine have received awards from the Erhoff Foundation this year. Professor, Department Chair Henrik…
Phishing email messages are an ever-increasing problem, and they can be very convincing. AU’s information security team has decided to make an extra…
Use your right to vote and influence who will become members of the AU board, the academic councils and local PhD committees. You can cast your vote…
Immunotherapy that affects the body's T cells has proven to have a good effect on a number of patients with melanoma. Now the question is which…
Exercise your right to vote and influence which candidates will become members of your local board of studies, academic council, PhD committee and the…
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