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Professor of Economics Nabanita Datta Gupta from Aarhus BSS at Aarhus University appointed economic advisor in the Danish Economic Councils.
Christopher Rohde and Kevin Marks – both medical doctors and PhD students from Aarhus University – each receive just over DKK one million to complete…
Aarhus University's strategy leading up to 2025 was adopted at the final board meeting of the Year. Several points in the strategy were adjusted…
The AU Board has approved a draft of Aarhus University’s first climate strategy. The strategy will be submitted for consultation at the university and…
Aarhus University's budget for 2020-2023 was approved by the board on 13 December. With the controversial reallocation contribution on degree…
The IDNC Annual Report for 2018-2019 is now available.
The burden of proof of a fingerprint or bloodstain found at a crime scene is significantly increased if the police know when the traces were…
The key endeavour for Health in 2020 will be internationalisation. Researchers, educators and students alike will have the opportunity to meet the…
The largest study of its kind so far shows that the eight most common psychiatric disorders have a common genetic structure. Researchers from iPSYCH…
The faculty’s new PhD scholarship model, which comes into force at the turn of the year, will not only give the departments increased basic funds but…
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