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Are you or one of your colleagues affected by unhealthy stress? If the answer is yes, is there talk of stress in the well-being zone, the risk zone or…
Tomonori Takeuchi receives the Novo Nordisk Foundation's Young Investigator Award. The award comes with DKK 20 million that will enable the Japanese…
A new Danish-Swedish research alliance wants to advance understanding of how biological molecules look and behave. With support from the Novo Nordisk…
When Ivan Bjerre Damgård first started getting interested in data encryption, everyone with any knowledge of the subject could gather in one room.…
The Festival of Research will be taking place in week 17, and everyone in Denmark has the opportunity to receive a free visit from a researcher. If…
How can the welfare state survive? This is the topic to be considered by the MatchPoints Seminar, which will be welcomed by Aarhus University and…
Six universities from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden are participating in a new research hub that will examine Nordic responses to…
The 59th Annual Congress of the SCNP will take place 11 - 13 April 2018 in Aarhus.
Louise Gjørtz Christensen started as a student assistant at NeuroCampus Aarhus per 11 January 2018.
Reimar W. Thomsen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital is the recipient of the Niels Schwartz Sørensen Award 2018 for his extensive…
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