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It is well known that vascular dementia is triggered by factors such as stroke, but an extensive study from Aarhus University now shows that heart…
We must be better at explaining the conditions of science to counter the postmodern blockage of facts.
For the very first time, three researchers from one department can call themselves Lundbeck Foundation Fellows and, backed by DKK 10 million, they can…
Thea Vestergaard and Sofie Eg Jørgensen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital have just received the King Christian IX and Queen…
With the appointment of MPH, PhD Helle Terkildsen Maindal as professor of health promotion, Aarhus University focuses on promoting health –…
Our cells are capable of moving energy and material around to the places where they are required, and ensuring that the body works properly. But how…
Research team from Aarhus BSS and Stanford University demonstrates a relationship between gender diversity in the author group and the attention…
On 15 November, the CFIN and Neurophysiology Symposium 2017 will take place in the DNC Auditorium.
The design-article of ProjectRun21 is now published as an open access article in Injury Epidemiology with Camma Damsted as first author
Too low a level of a hormone in the blood which protects against stress may be the cause of epilepsy-like seizures which doctors had otherwise…
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