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Simon Glerup: Building and rebuilding synapses in the CNS
RUNSAFE and collaborators contribute with a thought-provoking discussion about minimal important difference in a BJSM-editorial.
The Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies has been awarded an EU grant of DKK 38 million. This is the second time AIAS has brought a major EU grant…
The Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies at Aarhus University has been awarded an EU grant of DKK 38 million. This is the second time AIAS has brought…
Three researchers from Department of Clinical Epidemiology have received a grant from the Danish Cancer Society. Senior researcher Ellen Mikkelsen,…
During the last couple of days, the healthcare sector, for example, has experienced large-scale ransomware attacks as mentioned on the news. We…
The new employee registration system Medarbejderstamkort will be launched on 30 May 2017. After 30 May, Medarbejderstamkort will be used in connection…
RUNSAFE contributes with three non-peer reviewed articles (in Danish) in the May-issue of Dansk Sportsmedicin.
During the weekend of 20 and 21 May, system updates will affect various AU systems, including Blackboard.
Students at AU can look forward to a new web portal that will serve as a single point of access. The portal is currently being tested by users, and it…
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