Aarhus University Seal

Tjek&Go: The new employee registration system Medarbejderstamkort will be available soon

The new employee registration system Medarbejderstamkort will be launched on 30 May 2017. After 30 May, Medarbejderstamkort will be used in connection with all appointments, extensions, transfers and resignations.

The commissioning phase will start on 20 May which means that the personal data form cannot be used after 19 May 2017. From 20 May to approx. 30 May, it will therefore not be possible to update AU’s systems with any personal data or unit information for AU staff.

The units appointing new employees will be able to access Medarbejderstamkort on approx. 30 May 2017.


The departments (Aarhus BSS, ST, HE)/schools (Arts) can use Medarbejderstamkort to:

  • Register employee master data in connection with employment and resignations.
  • Transfer employees from one unit to another.
  • Register unpaid activities.

As soon as employee master data have been registered, the case handling process will start in AU HR, and it will be possible to register absence in AUHRA.  An AU ID and an AU mail will be generated immediately after registration of a new employee. When the information is no longer confidential, information about the new employee will be available in PURE, and his/her phone number will appear on the list of telephone numbers. The AU ID can be used right away to order access cards, IT equipment etc.

Superuser and user training

Medarbejderstamkort superuser and user training will be carried out in May. User training will be carried out by superusers locally. 


Want to find out more?

Read more about Medarbejderstamkort.

Niels Jacobsen and Thomas Damgaard Frid manage the system and organise superuser training.