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Professor and Consultant Troels Krarup Hansen from AU and AUH has been elected the new chair of the Danish Endocrine Society.
Professor at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital, Troels Staehelin Jensen, has been awarded the Erhoff Prize of DKK 250,000 for his…
Progress has been made in improving the psychological work environment. This is the overall conclusion of the WPA report for the administration, which…
PhD student Anne Gedebjerg from Department of Clinical Epidemiology has received two grants of DKK 100,000 each for the project “Mannose-binding…
PURE business cards have been given a makeover. The electronic business cards now use icons instead of text to symbolise email, location and phone…
The results of the workplace assessment (WPA) for 2016 have just been published. Here you can see the most important results and the timetable for the…
All AU staff and students, who have Windows computers with the free software Quicktime installed, are encouraged to uninstall this software as quickly…
The salary agreement catalogue for employees at Health has been revised with previously agreed supplements in several areas being added to the new…
Researchers from Aarhus University participate in a new national project to ensure that protein researchers will have access to the latest advanced…
Can we develop the administration during a period of difficult financial conditions? This is one of the questions university director Arnold Boon…
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