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Vibeke Brix Christensen has become a member of the AU Career Advisory Panel at Health
From January 2016 the new teaching and evaluation system Mentimeter is being introduced. CESU and SKT have together purchased a license for the full…
We are the world champions of health data collection. If we combine this knowledge with modern gene technology, we can tailor-make medicines that will…
Politicians, the media and the pharmaceutical industry often overlook rare diseases. But Denmark has unique opportunities to make a difference here.
AU's IT systems and IT services will be put out of operation shortly in the weekend 30 - 31 January 2016.
A property deal of historic proportions was concluded in Aarhus this week. Central Denmark Region has sold the hospital buildings on Nørrebrogade –…
[Translate to English:] Den kommende ledelse af Dansk Center for Partikelterapi er nu fundet. Ledelsesteamet kommer til at stå i spidsen for såvel…
A contract of sale for the buildings formerly occupied by Aarhus Hospital on Nørrebrogade was concluded today. The new owner, Forskningsfondens…
Søren Kjærgaard, leader of RUNSAFE, recently received a 1.947.385 DKR (app. 260.000 euro) grant from the Aarhus University research fund!
The Danish healthcare newspaper Dagens Medicin has awarded Aarhus University Hospital (AUH) the title of Denmark’s best hospital.
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