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Oxford University in collaboration with Professor Marco Capogna from The Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, receives EUR 2.5 million from…
Supreme Court judge Professor Jens Peter Christensen, LLD, dr. jur., is the new external member of the Aarhus University Board.
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Health data is more important than ever for the development of personal medicine. We urge politicians to safeguard researchers' access to Danish…
The hunt for Health's new dean has entered a new phase after the expiry of the deadline for applications on Sunday 11 December.
Niels Jessen, consultant, researcher and newly appointed professor, is among the international elite in the field of clinical pharmacology.
With a policy for recognition of educational tasks, the faculty management team at Health will work to ensure that teaching and programme management…
If you are genetically predisposed to rheumatoid arthritis and suffer from severe periodontitis, a specific bacterium in the mouth can increase the…
With a new e-learning course, lecturers at Health can develop their educational and didactic competences. It will be up to the departments to assess…
With data from 28,000 single-family houses, researchers have analysed the historical development of our actual energy consumption for heating private…
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