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Irene Petersen has been appointed professor at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. Her research is primarily based on electronic health…
Our peers from Amsterdam have published a new interesting article regarding the economic burden of running-related injuries in runners training for an…
Researchers' access to health data is essential to ensure patients the best possible treatments.
Today, DR made an excellent mass-media exposure on the RUNSAFE-based RUNCLEVER trial
Following a tender process, the cost of the next phase of the Department of Biomedicine's new building will be DKK 30 million lower than expected.…
New international study shows that 5,000 foetuses in Europe annually are affected by spina bifida and other severe defects on the central nervous…
It’s a common view that adolescents don’t want to listen to their parents, but reality is different – at least when it comes to healthy living. New…
Department of Clinical Epidemiology will once again be strongly represented at the annual International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology &…
AU will carry out a psychological workplace assessment in 2016. As a prelude to this, FSU (the Faculty Liaison Committee) and FAMU (the Faculty…
Sten Rasmussen from the RUNSAFE group defends his PhD thesis entitled "Multimodal pain management after arthoscopic surgery" at 13:00 on August 21th…
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