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The four Graduate Schools at Aarhus University are hosting a joint seminar with the theme: How to get published. The seminar will bring together PhD…
A great privilege is how outgoing Department Head Ellen Frandsen Lau characterises her six years at the helm of the Department of Dentistry.
Even though it is a difficult discussion, it remains a topic that Denmark’s leading politicians ought to take up to discussion.
The fact that the greatest diversity of large mammals is found in Africa reflects past human activities – and not climatic or other environmental…
Sten Rasmussen from the RUNSAFE group defended his PhD thesis entitled "Multimodal pain management after arthoscopic surgery" on August 21th 2015 in…
CFIN researcher Sune Nørhøj Jespersen recently defended his doctoral thesis on Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Brain Tissue Microstructure.
Ramkumar Menon is a new honorary professor at Department of Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University. He conducts research into the factors connected…
The area in front of the Ambulatory does not quite resemble its normal self at the moment as the original yellow brick arches facing Nordre Ringgade…
Bacteria exhibit extreme adaptability, which makes them capable of surviving in the most inhospitable conditions. Danish and British researchers now…
For the very first time, researchers from Aarhus University have shown that marginal environmental factors can trigger the development of pollen…
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