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On Friday 5 September the first sod was cut for the new research building at the Department of Biomedicine, which will soon begin to take shape.…
The 2014/15 Aarhus University profile brochure is out now.
Professor Charlotte Ringsted will be the new Vice-Dean for Education at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Aarhus University. She comes from a position…
The Danish civil registration register (CPR register) is a goldmine for health research, but its potential has not been fully utilised. That is the…
Stefan Leucht has just been appointed professor at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. Here he will contribute with his extensive…
No less than 92 per cent of the students at Health feel comfortable with their degree programme. That is the highest share since the introduction of…
The first class of students at Aarhus University's new Master’s degree programme in optometry and visual science started on Tuesday 2 September. The…
A PhD student from Aarhus University, Rubens Spin-Neto, has received an award for his research into images taken with a CBCT scanner. Research that…
On Monday Dean Allan Flyvbjerg had a bucket of ice cold water poured over him to shift political focus onto research into small and rare diseases.
Aarhus University has awarded an honorary doctorate in health sciences to a researcher of the highest international standard. Professor Walter F.…
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