Aarhus University Seal

Oktobervej 14


Oktobervej 14
8210 Aarhus V

Locate this residence on an interactive map.

Fact sheet


  • Single room, 8-14 m2, no overnight staying guests allowed


  • Shared

Shared facilities

  • 1 kitchen, 3 bathrooms

Rent / deposit

  • Rent: DKK 2963,05-3822,05 including utilities
  • Deposit: DKK 7000


  • WiFi is provided.
  • The internet cost is included in the above-mentioned rent and paid for via a service agreement. 


  • The laundry cost is an additional expense paid for with Danish coins. 

Contract starts/ends

  • Starts: 1st of the month
  • Ends: last day of the month

Moving out date

  • 3 weekdays before the contract ends


  • Bed, table, book case, chair.
  • AU has encouraged previous tenants to leave a duvet and pillow, so you may be lucky to find these items in your accommodation. However, this cannot be guaranteed.

Distance to university

  • 2.6 km to Aarhus BSS, 4.5 km to Nordre Ringgade

Total capacity

  • House shared by 11 international students


Located in a peaceful residential area, Oktobervej 14 offers 15 minutes by bike to the city center and campus. In summer you can enjoy the garden. You find a variety of shops at Viborgvej and two big shopping centres: City Vest (3.1 km away) and Storcenter Nord (2.6 km away).

This is a large student neighbourhood including the nearby Kollegiums at Skejby, Vilhelm Kiers and Herredsvej, so it will not be hard to meet other students who live in the same area. 

About living in a shared house

In a shared house you live together with other international students (no Danish students.) Each tenant has a single room and you share the kitchen and bathroom with the other tenants. You can cook and/or eat together or on your own - that is up to you. You have to clean the common areas every week and keep the kitchen tidy at all times. The house is located in a peaceful residential area. Therefore, you have to pay attention to the neighbors, and parties and loud music or behavior are not allowed. If you want to be allowed to arrange parties, you should instead apply for one of the dorms with common rooms, where parties are allowed.

About the shared facilities

Your lease includes a single room with access to shared facilities. The shared facilities are not private, and the landlord, IC staff, cleaning staff et al visit the shared facilities  when needed without notifying you in advance (similar to the conditions in a dorm.) Your room is private, can be locked and nobody will enter your private room without being invited.

Detailed residence information

The house and surroundings