Aarhus University Seal

Skjoldhøj Kollegiet


Spobjergvej 5 - 229
8220 Brabrand

Locate this residence on an interactive map.

Fact sheet

This website is only applicable to you if you have received your housing offer from AU Housing. If you have received your offer from Student Housing Aarhus, you can find the correct information here.

Single room with private bathroom, kitchen shared with 12 students  
  • 33 m2 brutto
Single room with shared bathroom and kitchen. Shared with 12 students.  
  • 33 m2 brutto

Shared facilities

  • Laundry room, TV room,bar, various activity rooms

Rent per month/deposit

The rent includes utilities.

  • Single room with private bathroom DKK 2960/5752
  • Single room with shared bathroom DKK 2619/5090


  • The internet cost is included in the rent.
  • You must bring or buy a network cable (LAN) to connect to the internet. You must also bring or buy a router if you want to access the internet wirelessly (WiFi). 
  • The laundry cost is included in the above-mentioned rent and paid for via a service agreement.
  • Bed (90X200cm), table, chair, book case or cup board, lamp.
  • AU has encouraged previous tenants to leave a duvet and pillow, so you may be lucky to find these items in your accommodation. However, this cannot be guaranteed.
  • Allowed

Distance to university

Contract starts/ends 

  • 1st and 15th 
Termination notice
  • 6 weeks before the 1st or 15th of the month
Moving out date
  • 14 days before the end date of the contract

Built in

  • 1973

Total capacity

  • 847 rooms
Available to AU Housing
  • 31 rooms
More information 
  • Detailed residence information 

Skjoldhøj kollegiet is a big dorm accommodating both Danish and international students. Although located about 7 km from campus (20 min by bike/35 min by bus) it is a popular dorm, because of the lively and social atmosphere. As you share kitchen with other students, it is very easy to make new friends. AU Housing disposes of 31 rooms at the dorm - all occupied by exchange students, and you will therefore be able to enjoy the international atmosphere right from the start of your stay in Aarhus.
AU Housing offers two types of housing at the dorm: 

  • Rooms with private bathroom and shared kitchen;
  • Rooms with shared bathroom and shared kitchen;

You find shopping options nearby and bus no 4A is rigth outside the dorm.

Residence webpage

Room with private bathroom

Room with shared bathroom