Aarhus University Seal



Skejby Vænge 4-162
8200 Aarhus N

Please locate this residence on an interactive map.

Fact sheet

Room surface

  • approx. 12 m2 + common areas


  • Semi-private (shared with one person)


  • Semi-private (shared with one person)

Shared facilities

  • Common living room with kitchen, laundry room

Rent / deposit

  • Rent: DKK 2710-2750 including utilities
  • Deposit: DKK 5000


  • Bed (90x200), table, chair, bookcase, lamp. Basic kitchenware. 
  • AU has encouraged previous tenants to leave a duvet and pillow, so you may be lucky to find these items in your accommodation. However, this cannot be guaranteed.


  • The internet cost is included in the rent. 
  • You must bring or buy a network cable (LAN) to connect to the internet. You must also bring or buy a router if you want to access the internet wirelessly (WiFi). 


  • The laundry cost is an additional expense. 
Distance to university
  • 5.3 km to Aarhus BSS, 3.7 km to Nordre Ringgade

Contract starts/ends

  • Starts: 1st of the month
  • Ends: last day of the month
Termination notice
  • 1 month before the 1st of the month
Moving out date
  • You must move out before 9 am 3 working days before your contract ends (maintenance period).
  • Not allowed

Built in

  • 2004

Total capacity/IC capacity

  • 130 rooms/12 rooms
More information

There is lots of green space in this area. There is also a large student population so it will not be hard to meet other students who live in the same area. The bus stop is close to the residence buildings. The busses that stop here go into both the University and the center of town. Skejby Centret is a 5 minute walk away where there is a dentist, hairdresser, Føtex, doctor, bank, pharmacy and more. You will be able to get almost all the services you need in this area. 


Dormitory & common facilities