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From the turn of the year, students and staff at Health will be able to start using newly refurbished facilities. This takes place when AU Library,…
Postgraduate fellow in odontology and PhD student Rubens Spin-Neto from Aarhus University has just received an award for his research in bone…
At Health we are facing the same financial challenges as the rest of AU. This means that we must balance our budget and, at the same time, ensure a…
At the moment, Aarhus University is faced with a serious phishing problem and needs all staff and students’ help to fight it. You must never share…
Experiments with a “curly” brain protein have shown that it can inhibit the spread of Parkinson’s disease in laboratory tests. The discovery can be an…
Within a few days about 150 participants have signed up to hear the newest research results from the interdisciplinary research network DESIGN-EM at…
Aarhus University invites researchers from all four main academic areas to engage in six large-scale projects for rethinkIMPACTS 2017: European…
Henrik Schmidt from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has received a personal award of DKK 100,000 from William Nielsen's Foundation.…
Department of Clinical Epidemiology is part of the consortium behind the project “Accelerated Development of Vaccine benefit-risk Collaboration in…
Jens Sørensen has taken up a part-time position as professor at Aarhus University. He brings his knowledge within the fields of nuclear medicine and…
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