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A new scanning technology will save critical minutes in the treatment of thrombosis in the brain. The researchers behind the technique expect it to…
In December the old walls of the Officers’ Building fell to make room for the Department of Biomedicine’s new building. The demolition was captured by…
Opticians can for the first time further their education here in Denmark when Aarhus University establishes the first Master’s degree programme in…
Do you want to reach a new audience for your research? Can you communicate your research project in less than two minutes? Well, now you have the…
Research communication must not be ignored, nor viewed as an irritating chore. PhD Day at Health on 24 January is set to open up the issue of…
Communicating your research to a wider audience can benefit your career. The massive publicity surrounding Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen’s PhD project…
During the course of the week, meetings have been held in Health’s local liaison committees. In the period leading up to 31 January, the specific cost…
Direct epigenome interrogation during neural development
May 22-24, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
Jan Frystyk and Lars Uhrenholt from Aarhus have each received a scholarship worth DKK 200,000. The scholarship has been awarded by Frøknerne Anna and…
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