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On Friday 7 May, a new sculpture by the artist Bjørn Nørgaard will be unveiled in the University Park. The five-meter-high colourful sculpture was…
Professor Preben Bo Mortensen will receive the Rigmor and Carl Holst-Knudsen Award for Scientific Research, and professor Isabel Torrance will receive…
The research article “Prodromal neuroinvasion of pathological ?-Synuclein in brainstem reticular nuclei and white matter lesions in a model of…
The research article “Multiple system atrophy-associated oligodendroglial protein p25? stimulates formation of novel ?-synuclein strain with enhanced…
The Lundbeck Foundation calls for nominations for the Talent Prize and The Young Investigator Prize 2021
The Junior Researcher Association offers workshops to PhD students in collaboration with the Research Support Office
Improving Outcomes from In-hospital Cardiac Arrest: Studies on Cardiac Arrest Teams. Date and time: friday 28th May, 2021 at 2 PM. For physical or…
Mariam will defend her PhD thesis on Thursday, 20 May 2021.
Angelos will start his internship in Philipsborn Group per 24 May. His internship at DANDRITE is for four months until September. His supervisor will…
PhD student Gabriela Silote from TNU, Aarhus University and the University of São Paolo will defend her double degree thesis "Behavioural and…
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