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A new website on research data management will make it easier for researchers to quickly find help and guidance.
The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters has just launched a new, free online platform with all the publications published by its publishing…
Stine Willemoes Kondrup is a project manager at AU IT. In November last year, she and her colleagues from a number of units in the administration…
Annual competition in dissemination of young scientists' research. - registration deadline 1 February
Visual impressions are collected and processed in the cerebral cortex, and this enables us to navigate in our surroundings. New research now shows…
Purpose: to create interdisciplinary projects across departmental boundaries and open up for new collaborations at AU and with industry.
Rector Brian Bech Nielsen affirms the centrality of free scientific debate and explains how the university is handling the controversy at the Faculty…
Professor Peter Svensson from the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health receives the Bensow Award – the most prestigious award for dentists in the…
AU’s IT systems and other services will be subject to a certain amount of disruption at various points during the weekend of 06 and 07 February 2021.
News from the world of research can help lessen the fear and anxiety felt by many of the patients who are diagnosed with a tumour in the adrenal…
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