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In November, elections will be held at AU. You can vote for the candidate you want to represent you or you can stand for election yourself to your…
We can revolutionise cancer treatment within a relatively short period of time. This is the clear and ambitious message from Aarhus University's and…
Did you know that you can find videos and presentations online from Danmarks Frie Forskningsfonds (DFF) webinar regarding the foundation's call for…
The Nordic EMBL Partnership congratulates Emmanuelle Charpentier, and collaborator Jennifer A. Doudna, on receiving the Nobel Prize for Chemistry…
Kristine Kilså is to be vice-dean for education and David Lundbek Egholm is to be vice-dean for research at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. This…
Are you passionate about developing teaching, and do you have a good idea for a project that experiments with digital learning technologies? From now…
A new series of workshops will facilitate knowledge-sharing about process optimisation and operational management across the university.
A drug which has already been approved for the treatment of multiple sclerosis patients effectively inhibits the coronavirus when tested on human lung…
AU’s new central teaching development centre is open for business. The centre will continue to prioritise close collaboration with teaching staff at…
Thousands of Danes use ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers against elevated blood pressure or heart problems, and they may have an…
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