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Risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease or eye and renal damage following type 2 diabetes are much more common among patients who are…
Researchers from Aarhus University recently had the opportunity to discuss the perspective for increasing the use of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in…
As 2017 comes to an end, Dean Lars Bo Nielsen uses his holiday greetings to look forward to the tasks that await us in the new year.
A PhD project from Center for Global Health at Department of Public Health at Aarhus University has demonstrated the effectiveness of female community…
Some researchers lack ambition and preparation, says the Innovation Fund Denmark’s regional employee René Damkjer. He recently met Health's Business…
The new Danish National Research Foundation Center of Excellence, PROMEMO, started on 1 December 2017.
2017 is coming to an end and it is important to note that publications need to be registered in PURE on time.
Yesterday, Lundbeckfonden announced the topics of the 2018 Thematic Calls focusing on brain diseases.
A sound knowledge base is required if Denmark is to hold onto its leading position in climate research and adaptation. By establishing a strategic…
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