Aarhus University Seal

BSS Intro Days

Intro Week Programme for all BSS Exchange Students

This programme is for all BSS exchange students studying Business, Economics, Political Science, Law, and Psychology.

The Autumn 2024 Intro Week will take place from 18 - 23 of August 2024. The programme is subject to change 


See the programme for Sunday here.

Monday and Tuesday

Social Programme


10.00-11.15: Welcome to Aarhus BSS (venue: BSS, Fuglesangs Alle 4, 8210 Aarhus V, M3 (Lecture theater)

  • Introduction and practical information by the exchange team at Arhus BSS

11.00-11.15: Introduction to the study counselling services 

  • Learn about the study counselling at Aarhus BSS

13-15: Campus tours (on campus)

Learn more about the campus area and facilities by joining your Buddy group for a campus tour (meeting point to be confirmed)


10-11 Walk or Run in Riis Skov (optional)

13-14: Introduction and welcome to your local department

Meet a representative from your department and learn about your local study environment

Psychology: Building 1324 025 (Tvillingeauditorium, Lecture theater)

Political Science: Building 1323 Room 122

Business and Economics: Building 2636 U1 Auditorium (Lecture Theater)

Law: Building 1324 011 (Lecture theater,Tvillingeauditorium)

14.30 - 15.00: Guided tour at the BSS Library
Those of you studying business and economics: Meeting point Building 2623 (the library)

Those of you studying law, political science or psychology: Meeting point Building 1351 (the library)

17.00-20.00: Dinner for Exchange Students and their Exchange Buddies

  • Enjoy a nice dinner in your Buddy groups and join us for a quiz on Denmark and find out how well you know this little kingdom. Great prizes at stake!

Venue: Building 2610 - 115 (Nedre Multirum) Fuglesangs Alle 4, 8000 Aarhus C


11-13: City Treasure Hunt in Buddy groups

  • Get to know the city by joining an epic city treasure hunt – great prizes at stake (meeting point and details to be confirmed) 

13 - : Lunch at Aarhus Street Food

Join fellow exchange students and Exchange Buddies for lunch or a drink – many different dishes to choose from.

Other Activities

Sunday 25 of August

14-16 Afternoon swim in the Harbor Bath on Aarhus Ø (optional)

Join your fellow exchange students for a swim in the Aarhus Harbor Bath.

Please note that the programme is subject to changes! 

Being an exchange student at Aarhus BSS