Aarhus University is looking forward to welcoming all new international students.
The AU Intro Days offer you the opportunity to ensure a great and fun start of the semester. They are organised for all new international students at AU: full-degree, exchange and Erasmus Mundus Journalism.
The AU Intro Days are arranged by the International Centre in cooperation with the 5 AU faculties (Arts, Aarhus BSS, Technical Science, Natural Science and Health) and the local student house (Studenterhus Aarhus).
When you arrive in Denmark you must apply for your Danish social security number (CPR). All students regardless of their nationality must apply for a CPR number. Nordic citizens, however, only have to apply if staying in Denmark for more than six months, or if you are a medical student as it is required at the clinic.
All exchange students have received an e-mail with further instructions on how to apply in late June. All full degree will receive instructions in August.
You start the application online and complete it by showing up at Citizen Service, DOKK1 at a time you book yourself. Make sure you bring the required documentation.
Depending on your nationality there will be different days to show up at DOKK1 to complete the application.
Nordic and Non-EU students can choose any time available in the online application system. However, special student appointments are available (September 5 or September 10 2024).
EU students are strongly encouraged, if possible, to choose a time on (August 20, August 27, September 3 or September 17 2024) as both SIRI (who will handle your application for EU residence certificate) and Citizen Service (who handle the application for CPR) will be present these days to smoothen the process a lot for you. If you are unable to participate these dates, you just follow the guideline in the application system.