The Danish Social Security Number (CPR number) is widely used in Denmark when dealing with public authorities, health authorities, libraries, banks etc. The CPR number is issued by the Citizen Service (Borgerservice).
The card with your CPR number is also referred to as your health insurance card or ’yellow card’ and contains your CPR number, your name, living address and your doctor's contact number and address.
All non-Nordic citizens staying in Denmark for more than three months must apply for a CPR number. If you are staying in Denmark for less than three months you cannot obtain a CPR number.
If you are a Nordic citizen staying in Denmark for less than six months you do not need to apply for a CPR number, unless:
All international students will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to apply a few weeks before AU Intro Days and the start of the semester.
You might already have a so-called AU-CPR number, this is NOT a real/valid CPR number and has to be changed when you have received your personal CPR number.
When you apply for a CPR number you start the application online and complete it by visiting Citizen Service at DOKK1 at the time you have booked. During your AU Intro Days, we have set aside time for you to complete your application at Citizen Service. This is not only a convenient option since you don’t have to complete the application on your own, but it also speeds up the processing, as we have arranged special appointments just for you. Be sure to bring the required documentation (see the categories below).
Depending on your nationality there will be different pre-booked days for students to show up at DOKK1 to complete the application. A few weeks before semester start you will receive a direct booking link via e-mail from Aarhus University.
Nordic and Non-EU students can choose any time available in the online application system. However, special student appointments are available January 28 and February 3.
EU students are strongly encouraged, if possible, to choose a time on February 4 as both SIRI (who will handle your application for EU residence certificate) and Citizen Service (who handle the application for CPR) will be present these days to smoothen the process a lot for you. If you are unable to participate these dates, you just follow the guideline in the application system.
Gather the following documents which you will need when you apply online for your Danish CPR number:
To complete your application you must show up at Citizens Service in person. You can find the information on how to book an appointment and what to bring here when the information is ready.
Gather the following documents, which you will need when you apply online for your Danish CPR number:
To complete your application you must show up at Citizens Service in person. You can find the information on how to book an appointment and what to bring here when the information is ready.
Gather the following documents, which you will need when you apply for your Danish CPR number:
To complete your application you must show up at Citizens Service in person. You can find the information on how to book an appointment and what to bring here when the information is ready.