Aarhus University Seal

Mentor/Buddy Programme

Aarhus University offers a mentor/buddy programme to help exchange students ease into their new study environment, and make them feel welcome in Aarhus. Please note that the mentor/buddy programme is not available to freemovers at this time. 

Most departments at Aarhus University will pair new international exchange students with a Danish student from the same department. The mentor/buddy will be able to provide you with information about studying at AU and living in Aarhus, and will assist you with solving practical and administrative tasks related to your arrival.

What to expect from your mentor/buddy?

  1. Your mentor/buddy will contact you before your arrival
  2. Your mentor/buddy will set a time and place for your first meeting (preferably at the time of your arrival).
  3. Your mentor/buddy might be able to help you pick up your key at the International Centre (if you have arranged housing through Aarhus University), either by accompanying you there or by picking up the key in advance if you arrive outside opening hours. Remember to contact AU Housing, if your Buddy/mentor is picking up your key. 


Buddy Programme

Exchange students at Aarhus BSS will be assigned an Exchange Buddy to help guide them through the beginning of their stay at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University. The Buddies are all current students at Aarhus BSS and will participate both in the Intro Week. During the Intro Week, exchange students will grouped with two-three Buddies who will guide each group.

Exchange Buddies will assist exchange students with settling into Aarhus and university life. If exchange students are unable to pick up their housing key upon arrival, they can contact their assigned Exchange Buddy in order to help them pick up the key and arrange to meet with the Buddy eg. at the railway station. 


For further information about the Buddy Programme at Aarhus BSS, please see the contact information below:

Aarhus BSS International:  bss.international@au.dk


Buddy Programme

Exchange students at Arts (Aarhus and Emdrup) will be assigned a Buddy. The Buddy will be a current student at your campus, voluntering to help the exchange students to become familiar with the university and the city. Your Buddy will be able to answer many of your questions relating to your study program, AU and your campus.

The Buddy may be able to assist with:

  • Contacting you via email before you arrival
  • Helping you feel wel­come and comfortable in Denmark, and showing you around
  • Assisting you with contacting local authorities. You will receive more detailed information about these formali­ties from AU's International Centre in Aarhus.
  • Helping you with practi­cal issues regarding AU and ex­tracurricular activities 


For further information about the Buddy Programmes, please see the contact information below:

Arts:  Amanda Winther Fugl afugl@au.dk

Erasmus Mundus Journalism:  Xenia Samsøe Teilmann xenia@cc.au.dk


Mentor Programme

Exchange students at Health will be assigned a Mentor once they have been accepted at AU. Your Mentor will contact you and will coordinate and communicate with you directly.

Your Mentor is there to assist you with settling into Aarhus and university life, and will tell you more about their role when they contact you. Please note that it is very important that you let your Mentor know when you arrive in Aarhus (they will pick you up or direct you to your destination). 


For further information about the mentor programme, please see the contact information below:

Health: health.studyabroad@au.dk


Mentor Programme

Exchange students at Faculty of Natural Sciences will be assigned a Mentor once they have been accepted at AU. Your Mentor will contact you and will coordinate and communicate with you directly.

Your Mentor is there to assist you with settling into Aarhus and university life, and will tell you more about their role when they contact you. Please note that it is very important that you let your Mentor know when you arrive in Aarhus (they will pick you up or direct you to your destination).


For further information about the mentor programme, please see the contact information below:

Natural Sciences: imentor.Nat-Tech@au.dk


Mentor Programme

Exchange students at Faculty of Technical Sciences will be assigned a Mentor once they have been accepted at AU. Your Mentor will contact you and will coordinate and communicate with you directly.

Your Mentor is there to assist you with settling into Aarhus and university life, and will tell you more about their role when they contact you. Please note that it is very important that you let your Mentor know when you arrive in Aarhus (they will pick you up or direct you to your destination). 


For further information about the mentor programme, please see the contact information below:

Technical Sciences: imentor.Nat-Tech@au.dk