Aarhus University Seal

Technical Sciences Intro Days - Engineering Master's level

The Spring 2025 Intro Week is from Thursday 23 to Monday 27 January

NB: The programme will be updated on an ongoing basis until mid-January.

There is also a social programme

Intro Days Programme

Thursday January 23

Welcome to Natural and Technical Sciences


Who: International students at Natural and Technical Sciences

Place: Ny Munkegade 120, 8000 Aarhus C. Room 1534-125 (Auditorium F)

You can find a map of AU through this link or download the app AU Find to your smartphone

Host: International team Nat-Tech

Time: Thursday January 23, time: 12:00 - ?



  • Welcome and short introduction to the faculties by the vice dean
  • Presentation by professor, Tinna V. Stevnsner from Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
    Title: Molecular changes in the aging brain 
  • Info-session by the International team Nat-Tech
  • Q&A


  • Break: Cake will be served outside the auditorium


  • Fun and games with iMentor. The mentors will come and pick you up during the break. 

Friday January 24

Welcome day for all new Master's level Engineering students

On January 24 you are invited to the Introduction Day for all new Master's students in Engineering.

On this day you will have the chance to meet representatives from your department who will introduce you to your degree programme, the local study environment and you will have the chance to meet your fellow students. The event is both for Danish students, international full-degree students and exchange students (but only Master's level).

Who: All Master's level engineering students

Place and Programme: Depending on your primary degree programme, the specific location, programme and sign up link can be found here

Host: Engineering departments at AU

Sunday January 26

Welcome event for all new international students at Aarhus University.  

See the programme here

Monday January 27

Online CPR Q&A Event.

See the programme here