Aarhus University Seal



Are there any courses offered in English?

 Yes. Browse the course catalogue.   

Studies and exams

What is the examination system at Aarhus University? What types of exams are there? How do I register for exams? What does ECTS stand for? How does the Danish grading system work? 

You can find the answers to these and many other questions here.

I would like to follow a course at a department I have not been admitted to. What should I do?

Students must visit the specific department to ask for permission to register for a course.

Who is my AU coordinator?

Your AU coordinator is your contact person at your department. Your AU coordinator can assist you with questions about registering for courses and other academic matters. You can find the name of your AU coordinator on the Self-Service site.

I need to get my learning agreement signed. Can the International Centre sign it?

Yes, but your AU coordinator must sign it first. Once your AU coordinator has signed the learning agreement, bring it to the International Centre during our opening hours (Monday to Friday 10am-2pm).


How do I create a new user?

Click on the ‘new user’ button in the bottom left corner of the Self Service page and follow the instructions.

I do not understand the instructions. What do I do?

After you have clicked on the ‘new user’ button, you will have to fill in a short form. This form only requires you to fill in some of the fields. You must include your email address on the first line, your date of birth, sex and name in the third line. Skip the second line, since you likely do not have a Danish CPR.

Once you have submitted this page, you will receive an email redirecting you to a page where you create a password and include other information. All the information on this page must be completed. If you do not receive the email, make sure you check your junk email folder.

The following is an explanation of each line:

  • c/o name is your name.
  • Address is your address in your home country.
  • Danish postal office, choose (not Danish) as you are likely not from Denmark.
  • Foreign city and zip code is the name of your home city and the postal code for that city.
  • Country is your home country.

Once you complete and submit this page, you will have access to the Self Service website You can now start your online application.


How do I apply for a room?

Exchange students can apply for housing when they fill out the online application form. Read more on the housing webpage for exchange students.

What are my housing options?

The housing options are clearly outlined on our housing website for exchange students.

Can I change accommodation?

As a rule, AU Housing provides only one housing offer per student. This means that we cannot relocate you to another residence if you are not satisfied with your current accommodation.

Should such a situation occur, you are responsible to make your own arrangements. Please note that you cannot apply for alternative housing through the Central Housing Office in Aarhus (Kollegiekontoret) as they only allow a limited number of exchange students in their residence halls. Their quota has already been filled by AU Housing and other higher education institutions.

Even though there might be vacant residences due to students leaving Aarhus early, these rooms may not be distributed by the university and therefore cannot be given to other exchange students.

Are the rooms furnished?

Yes, rooms are furnished with basic necessities. You can learn more about what is included on our housing website for exchange students.

Besides AU Housing, is there other ways to find accommodation?

Yes, you can find housing on your own. Read more here. 

For more housing questions, see the Housing FAQ page.


You will find important information about Immigration and Registration procedures on the page Residence Certificate/Permit and CPR .  


Can someone pick me up at the airport or train station? / How do I travel from the airport/train/bus to my campus city?

Find these answers and more on the portal for current international students

How is the weather in Denmark?

Denmark has a temperate climate, moderated by the warm Gulf Stream. Denmark has four distinct seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. The spring months of April and May are mild, and the summer months of June, July and August are the hottest. Autumn runs from September to November and tends to be rainy and cloudy. The winter months of December to March are normally cold, with frost and snow.

Denmark is in the North Temperate Zone and has an average temperature of 7.7˚C (46˚F). February tends to be the coldest month, with average temperatures of 0.0˚C (32˚F), whereas August tends to be the hottest month with average temperatures of 15.7˚C (60˚F).

Read more at www.VisitDenmark.dk


Which health insurance do I need?

All students arriving in Denmark are covered by the Danish Health Securities Act, which offers free health care (from doctors and in hospitals). Danish Health Securities Act does not cover evacuation, repatriation, or personal liability, therefore, separate personal travel insurance is highly recommended. More information about the insurances, as well as healthcare

Students must apply for a CPR number (Danish social security number) to have continued access to the free health care system in Denmark. The International Centre organises an event during your Introduction Week, where you can submit a fast-track application for a CPR number. It is highly recommended that you apply for CPR during this event.


How much money will I need?

See an example of a budget and read more about banking and finance. Your budget will vary, however,  depending on your personal spending.

As an international student, can I open a bank account? If so, where and how?

Yes, you can, but you need a CPR number to do so. Visit any bank and they will guide you through the process.

Can I withdraw money from an ATM?

Yes, you can. Automated teller machines (ATMs) are located all around the city. Be aware of any extra charges that your bank may charge you or any limits to how much money you can withdraw set by your bank.  


Where can I find a library?

Read about AU libraries and State and University libraries.

How can I print, scan or copy?

In order to print, scan or copy you have to use the system MyPrint. You must create a username, but please note you should have a CPR number. After you have a username and a password, you have to visit this page and click "insert money to your print account".

Read more information.

What facilities does AU Library offer?

AU Library offers a range of facilities available for you, as a student at Aarhus University:

  • Study areas
  • Sockers
  • Thesis study carrels
  • Printers and scanners
  • Wi-fi
  • Dictaphones
  • Group rooms

Read more about the facilities offered by AU Library.


Where can I find general information regarding Aarhus University?

You can browse the International Centre website or visit the university's main page.

Where can I find general information regarding the university campus cities?

Aarhus University has campuses in three cities (Aarhus, Copenhagen and Herning).

Am I allowed to work while studying in Denmark?

For more information about this, please go to Working in Denmark.


I would like to learn the Danish language. Can I get help?

Yes. Danish language courses are offered through Lærdansk during the semester. Find further information about learning Danish.


Aarhus University (AU) is the data controller of the personal data that we process in connection with your enrolment and your further studies at the university.

This means that AU only processes personal data concerning you if this is required by legislation, or you have given your consent to this processing. AU has security measures that help to ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with applicable legislation. 

Read more here: http://studerende.au.dk/en/data-protection-gdpr/