Your lock may require you to turn the handle upwards.
Please, press the door handle upwards with one hand while you turn the lock with the other hand.
We advise you to bring or buy:
* For environmental reasons, we ask our departing tenants to leave behind their duvet and pillow. You are free to use these items, if you bring a duvet- and pillow cover. If you do not wish to use the left-behind duvet and pillow, we encourage you to bring your own.
**Tenants at Teknologkollegiet are provided with a duvet and pillow, and it is therefore mandatory to bring a duvet- and pillow cover.
What not to bring or buy:
All rooms offered via AU Housing have basic furniture such as a bed, a table, a chair, a lamp and storage. Additionally we will provide you with a mattress protector and a bed sheet.
Your kitchen will be equipped with basic kitchen utensils such as forks, knives, spoons, plates, glasses, cups, pot(s) and pan(s). We do not provide kitchen equipment such as coffee machines, rice cookers, boilers or similar. If you need this type of equipment, you must buy or bring it.
When leaving your room and residence, please remember to bring your key. Do not leave your key in your room as the door might automatically lock behind you.
If you lose your key during work hours, please contact AU Housing ( If you lose your key outside work hours, we advise you to seek advice from your caretaker, landlord or fellow dorm- or housemates. Sometimes, relevant information is provided close to the entrances.
Be aware that it might be cheaper for you to stay in a hostel or similar for one night rather than contacting a locksmith as it can be very expensive.
Please also note, that if you lose your key and cannot return it when moving out, you will be charged up to 6000 DKK to cover the costs of changing the lock.
By accepting the housing offer provided by AU Housing, I accept that:
Summer University students should only regard the residence information on this website as residence information from other AU Housing websites applies to regular exchange or full-degree students.
International Centre
Høegh Guldbergs Gade 4A
8000 Aarhus C
The reception is open workdays 12 noon - 2 pm.