Aarhus University Seal

Residence information

  • AU Summer University housing
Below you will find general information relevant to AU Summer University students who have received a housing offer from AU Housing. 
Please use the search tool to find your specific residence website (type dorm name or address). Here you will find residence-specific information relevant to you during your stay. 



Difficulties (un)locking your door?

Your lock may require you to turn the handle upwards.

Please, press the door handle upwards with one hand while you turn the lock with the other hand.

What to bring or buy

We advise you to bring or buy:

  • Duvet and pillow if you do not wish to use the left-behind ones*
  • Duvet- and pillow covers** 
  • Towels, dishcloths and kitchen towels
  • Hand soap, dish soap, cleaning supplies and toilet paper (some residences provide this)
  • Internet router and cable if relevant (find more information on the residence specific page) 
  • Decorations to make it feel like home (be aware that not all residences allow drilling in the wall)

* For environmental reasons, we ask our departing tenants to leave behind their duvet and pillow. You are free to use these items, if you bring a duvet- and pillow cover. If you do not wish to use the left-behind duvet and pillow, we encourage you to bring your own.

**Tenants at Teknologkollegiet are provided with a duvet and pillow, and it is therefore mandatory to bring a duvet- and pillow cover.

What not to bring or buy:

All rooms offered via AU Housing have basic furniture such as a bed, a table, a chair, a lamp and storage. Additionally we will provide you with a mattress protector and a bed sheet. 

Your kitchen will be equipped with basic kitchen utensils such as forks, knives, spoons, plates, glasses, cups, pot(s) and pan(s). We do not provide kitchen equipment such as coffee machines, rice cookers, boilers or similar. If you need this type of equipment, you must buy or bring it. 

Arrival and key collection

You can collect your key in the reception at the International Centre.

The address is Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4A, 8000 Aarhus C.

You can collect your key from 2 pm on the first date of your housing period. You can collect the key during our regular opening hours (workdays 12 noon - 2 pm) or our extended opening hours (see below). 

Opening hours in term 1

Date  Opening hours 

Key collection day

Extended opening hours

Monday 1 July 2024 2 pm - 10 pm


Regular opening hours 

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Thursday 4 July 2024

Friday 5 July 2024

Monday 8 July 2024

And the following workdays...

12 noon - 2 pm

Opening hours in term 2


Opening hours 

Key collection is possible from

Extended opening hours 

Monday 15 July 2024

2 pm - 4 pm


Regular opening hours 

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Thursday 18 July 2024

12 noon - 2 pm 

Key collection day

Extended opening hours 

Friday 19 July 2024

12 noon - 7 pm 


Extended opening hours 

Saturday 20 July 2024

Sunday 21 July 2024

12 noon - 4 pm


Regular opening hours 

Monday 22 July 2024

And the following workdays...

12 noon - 2 pm 

Travel plans and key collection

We recommend that you make your travel plans so that you arrive and can collect your keys during our opening hours. If you arrive outside our opening hours, you can ask someone else to collect your key for you. If you do not know anyone you can search for someone to help you via the Facebook groups:

Remember your key and keep it safe

When leaving your room and residence, please remember to bring your key. Do not leave your key in your room as the door might automatically lock behind you.

If you lose your key during work hours, please contact AU Housing (housing@au.dk). If you lose your key outside work hours, we advise you to seek advice from your caretaker, landlord or fellow dorm- or housemates. Sometimes, relevant information is provided close to the entrances.

Be aware that it might be cheaper for you to stay in a hostel or similar for one night rather than contacting a locksmith as it can be very expensive.

Please also note, that if you lose your key and cannot return it when moving out, you will be charged up to 6000 DKK to cover the costs of changing the lock. 

Moving out and key return

You must move out and return the key before 9 am on the last moving-out date. This date is either Sunday 28 July or Sunday 11 August. However, we might offer some term 1 student housing at Teknologkollegiet, where you must move out before 26 July. The last moving-out date will be specified in your housing offer and short-term contract (upon arrival).

If you wish to return the keys outside our opening hours, you can return them to our mailbox outside the International Centre/Teknolog Kollegiet. You will receive further moving-out information during your stay.

NB: It is not possible to collect the key before your housing period starts, nor to move out after the last moving-out date. If you need additional housing please find relevant information under the tab "Housing at the private market in Aarhus". 

Cancellation policy

You can cancel your housing up to 14 days after the date you accepted the housing offer. Cancellations made after 14 days will not be refunded. 

Cancellation must be sent to housing@au.dk

NB: Please be aware that our cancellation policy applies regardless of the reason for the cancellation, and that there are different cancellation policies for AU Summer University course fees and housing reservations.   

Terms and conditions

By accepting the housing offer provided by AU Housing, I accept that:

  • The price includes a 200 DKK non-refundable booking fee.
  • I can cancel my housing up to 14 days after the date I accepted the housing offer. Cancellations made after 14 days will not be refunded. Cancellation must be sent to housing@au.dk
  • All communication regarding my housing will be by email, and I will therefore check my email (including my spam folder) regularly.
  • I will sign a housing contract, a key agreement and possibly an internet agreement upon arrival.
  • My room/apartment is for my personal use only. I am therefore not allowed to sublet or have overnight visitors.
  • I will make sure that I know and respect the house rules of my residence. I will ask my landlord or caretaker as well as my fellow dorm- or housemates about the house rules.
  • I will take part in cleaning the common areas in my residence. I will ask my landlord or caretaker as well as my fellow dorm- or housemates about the cleaning agreements.
  • Smoking is not allowed either in my room/apartment or in the common areas.
  • Pets are not allowed either in my room/apartment or in the common areas.
  • I will make sure that I know and respect the latest moving-out date and time. I will check my housing offer and contract. 
  • I will clean and tidy up my housing according to the instructions given by AU Housing. If not done sufficiently, I will be charged a cleaning and/or a garbage fee.
  • I will leave my housing in the same condition as I received it. If my housing (including furniture) is left with damages, I will be charged the cost of repairs.


Below you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions. 

Please make sure to also read the information above.

If you receive a housing offer from AU Housing, you must accept your housing offer by making an online payment with a payment card within 48 hours after you received the housing offer. NB: You must pay the full price including the 200 DKK booking fee in order to accept the housing offer. 

Paying is the only way to accept the housing offer, and we therefore encourage you to check your email (including your spam folder) regularly and to make sure that you can make this online payment any day during May 2024. If you do not make the payment within 48 hours, the housing offer will be cancelled.

Upon payment, you will receive an online confirmation.

What does the prices include?

Housing is available in the following periods:

Suitable for 

Housing period 

Price per room 

Price per studio***

Term 1 students 1 July - 28 July 2024** 4.300 DKK 5.200 DKK
Term 2 students 15 July - 11 August 2024 4.300 DKK 5.200 DKK
Term 1 + 2 students* 1 July - 11 August 2024 5.900 DKK 7.250 DKK

*If you are taking a course in each term.

**We might offer some term 1 student housing at Teknologkollegiet, where you must move out before 26 July. The last moving-out date will be specified in your housing offer and short-term contract (upon arrival).

***You can request a studio, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that you will be offered one.

The prices above include a 200 DKK non-refundable booking fee, rent, consumption, internet access, a mattress protector and a bed sheet. 

NB: Please notice that the prices only differentiate between rooms and studios. The price is therefore the same regardless of the location and condition of each room or studio.

Internet access is available in all residences. However, in some residences, you must bring or buy an internet cable and/or router to connect to the internet.

Laundry facilities are available in all residences. However, in some residences, you must pay for the laundry cost with cash or via an app.

You will receive further information about the internet and laundry if you receive a housing offer.

What is the price for a week?

As we must abide by the Danish rental legislation it is unfortunately not possible to rent through AU Housing on a daily or weekly basis. This means that you must pay for a full housing period. We are aware of the inconvenience but are unfortunately unable to change this.

If you are only staying in Aarhus for a couple of weeks, it might make sense for you to find housing on your own. You can find relevant information under the tab "Housing at the private market in Aarhus".

Why are the housing periods fixed?

As we must abide by the Danish rental legislation it is unfortunately not possible to rent through AU Housing on a daily or weekly basis. This means that you must pay for a full housing period. We are aware of the inconvenience but are unfortunately unable to change this.

If you are only staying in Aarhus for a couple of weeks, it might make sense for you to find housing on your own. You can find relevant information under the tab "Housing at the private market in Aarhus".

Can I apply for housing outside the official term dates?

The official term dates for AU Summer University 2024 are:

Term 1: 2 July - 19 July 2024

Term 2: 22 July - 9 August 2024

Unfortunately, it is not possible to apply for housing through AU Housing outside the official term dates. If your course is taking place outside these dates you must therefore find housing on your own. You can find relevant information under the tab "Housing at the private market in Aarhus".

Can I apply for housing outside Aarhus?

AU Summer University courses are held mainly at Campus Aarhus. However, some courses take place outside Aarhus if the content of the courses is related to a specific location or need of material or laboratory.

Please find relevant information on the page of each course (e.g. under the tab "Venue"). 

Can I apply for housing if I am currently living in Denmark?

Unfortunately, AU Housing only offers housing to international students residing outside Denmark. If you are currently living in Denmark and/or enrolled in a Danish university you must therefore find housing on your own. 

You can find relevant information under the tab "Housing at the private market in Aarhus".

What if I missed the housing application deadline?

If you missed both housing application deadlines (15 April and 13 May 2024) we advise you to find housing in Aarhus on your own.

You can find relevant information under the tab "Housing at the private market in Aarhus".

Can I live with my friend?

If you wish to share housing with a friend or live in the same residence as someone you know, you can let us know in your application.

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that we will meet your wishes, but we will do our best.

Am I guaranteed a housing offer?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that all AU Summer University participants will receive a housing offer, and we, therefore, advise you to search for backup housing while waiting for a housing offer. Please make sure the check the cancellation policies, should you later wish to accept a possible housing offer from AU Housing.

You can find relevant information under the tab "Housing options in Aarhus".

I am attending Clinical Placement. How do I apply for housing?

As a student attending Clinical Placement, you must apply for housing as an intern. You can find information about the housing application process here.

We advise you to apply as soon as possible and before 1 May.

If you have any questions, please contact housing@au.dk.

When will I receive a housing offer?

You can expect to receive an email with a possible housing offer in late May 2024 (before 1 June).

We will also send you an email if we cannot send you a housing offer.

NB: Please only contact us for a status on your application, if you haven't heard anything by 1 June. 

You accept your housing offer by making an online payment with a payment card within 48 hours after you receive the housing offer. Paying is the only way to accept the housing offer, and we, therefore, encourage you to check your spam folder regularly and to make sure that you can make this online payment any day during May 2024. If you do not make the payment within 48 hours, the housing offer will be cancelled.

How can I accept my housing offer?

If you receive a housing offer from AU Housing, you must accept your housing offer by making an online payment with a payment card within 48 hours after you received the housing offer. NB: You must pay the full price including the 200 DKK booking fee in order to accept the housing offer. 

Paying is the only way to accept the housing offer, and we therefore encourage you to check your email (including your spam folder) regularly and to make sure that you can make this online payment any day during May 2024. If you do not make the payment within 48 hours, the housing offer will be cancelled.

Upon payment, you will receive an online confirmation.

Can I get another housing offer?

Unfortunately, we can only provide one housing offer per Summer University student. If you do not wish to accept the offered housing, we advise you to find housing in Aarhus on your own.

You can find relevant information under the tab "Housing at the private market in Aarhus".

Can you send me housing documentation for my visa application?

If you haven't received a housing offer yet, we still advise you to apply for a visa as soon as possible. You can use the confirmation email you received when you applied for housing as documentation of housing. 

If you have received a housing offer, we advise you to use the housing offer email as documentation of housing. 

Can I get the contact information for my future house/dorm mates?

Unfortunately, due to GDPR, we cannot give you the contact information for your future house or dorm mates. However, we advise you to find each other via the Facebook groups:

Can I move in before or move out after the housing period?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to move in before your housing period starts, nor to move out after the last moving-out date. If you need housing before or after your housing period, please find information under the tab "Housing options in Aarhus".

When and where can I collect my key?

You can collect your key in the reception at the International Centre.

The address is Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 4A, 8000 Aarhus C.

You can collect your key from 2 pm on the first date of your housing period. You can collect the key during our regular opening hours (workdays 12 noon - 2 pm) or our extended opening hours (see below). 

Opening hours in term 1

Date  Opening hours 

Key collection day

Extended opening hours

Monday 1 July 2024 2 pm - 10 pm


Regular opening hours 

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Thursday 4 July 2024

Friday 5 July 2024

Monday 8 July 2024

And the following workdays...

12 noon - 2 pm

Opening hours in term 2


Opening hours 

Key collection is possible from

Extended opening hours 

Monday 15 July 2024

2 pm - 4 pm


Regular opening hours 

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Thursday 18 July 2024

12 noon - 2 pm 

Key collection day

Extended opening hours 

Friday 19 July 2024

12 noon - 7 pm 


Extended opening hours 

Saturday 20 July 2024

Sunday 21 July 2024

12 noon - 4 pm


Regular opening hours 

Monday 22 July 2024

And the following workdays...

12 noon - 2 pm 

How can I get to my residence?

Both the dormitories and the shared houses are located throughout Aarhus, and you must therefore be prepared to walk and/or use public transport to get to your residence.

You will receive further information on how to get to your residence from the International Centre if you receive a housing offer and when you collect your key.

What furniture, linen and kitchen items do you provide?

All rooms offered via AU Housing have basic furniture such as a bed, a table, a chair, a lamp and storage. Additionally, we will provide you with a mattress protector and a bed sheet. 

For environmental reasons, we encourage our departing tenants to leave behind their duvet and pillow. You are free to use these items, if you bring a duvet- and pillow cover. If you do not wish to use the left-behind duvet and pillow, we encourage you to bring your own. Tenants at Teknologkollegiet are provided with a duvet and pillow from the dormitory, and it is therefore mandatory to bring and use a duvet- and pillow cover.

Your kitchen will be equipped with basic kitchen utensils such as forks, knives, spoons, plates, glasses, cups, pot(s) and pan(s). We do not provide kitchen equipment such as coffee machines, rice cookers, boilers or similar. If you need this type of equipment, you must buy or bring it. 

Internet access is available in all residences. However, in some residences, you must bring or buy a network cable (LAN) to connect to the internet and bring or buy a router if you want to access the internet wirelessly (Wi-Fi).

You will receive further information about what to bring if you receive a housing offer.

Do you provide internet access?

Internet access is available in all residences. However, in some residences, you must bring or buy a network cable (LAN) to connect to the internet and bring or buy a router if you want to access the internet wirelessly (Wi-Fi).

You will receive further information about internet access if you receive a housing offer.

Do you provide laundry facilities?

Laundry facilities are available in all residences. However, in some residences, you must pay the laundry cost with cash or via an app. In other residences, the laundry cost of up to 65 DKK/per month is included in the rent.

You will receive further information about the laundry facilities if you receive a housing offer.

Do you allow pets?

Unfortunately, pets are not allowed in housing offered through AU Housing. If you wish to bring your pet, you must therefore find housing on your own.

You can find relevant information under the tab "Housing at the private market in Aarhus". As many hostels and landlords do not allow pets, please make sure to check this in advance.

Do you allow overnight visitors?

Unfortunately, overnight visitors are not allowed in housing offered through AU Housing. Please be aware that a breach of this rule will cause your housing contract to be cancelled.

If you want overnight visitors, you must find housing on your own. You can find relevant information under the tab "Housing at the private market in Aarhus".

Please note:

Summer University students should only regard the residence information on this website as residence information from other AU Housing websites applies to regular exchange or full-degree students. 

AU Housing

International Centre
Høegh Guldbergs Gade 4A
8000 Aarhus C

The reception is open workdays 12 noon - 2 pm.

Missing information for SU residence-descriptions

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