Aarhus University Seal

Course information - Faculty of Natural Sciences

At the Faculty of Natural Sciences we offer many bachelor level courses and all our master level courses in English.

You can see our English taught courses below. 

Do's and Don'ts in course selection

  • You must take 20-30 ECTS of your courses at the department (subject area) that you apply to. 
  • If you meet the academic requirements, you can also choose up to 10 ECTS courses from another department at Faculty of Natural Sciences or Faculty of Technical Sciences.
  • In order to register for a course, you must meet the specific academic prerequisites. You can see all our courses and their academic prerequisites in our course catalogue.
  • As a 3rd year bachelor student you may choose master level courses if you meet the academic prerequisites.
  • You are expected to be flexible regarding your course selection as your first priority choices may not be available.
  • You cannot register for a Bachelor's or Master's thesis module. 

Information on course selection in our subject areas

Arctic Spring Semester in Greenland

General information

If you are a Master level exchange student and you have a relevant academic background, you have the opportunity to choose to study the spring semester in Greenland! 

The Arctic Science Study Programme (ASSP) offered in Nuuk, Greenland gives your education an Arctic angle and provides you with first-hand experience of working in and with the climate, environment and communities of the Arctic.

! Please be aware that it is not possible to register for courses that take place in Aarhus and in Greenland in the same semester !

You therefore have to choose between a whole semester in Nuuk or a whole semester in Aarhus. 

Here you can find more information about the Arctic Science Study Programme (ASSP) and the course package offered in Nuuk.

How do I apply?

You must apply as an exchange student via our exchange system and you must choose the subject area "Biology - Arctic semester in Greenland" in your application. 

You should also apply for the spring semester on this page


If you have questions about the appplication process, you can contact international coordinator,
Signe Helbo (she/her), signe.helbo@au.dk

If you have questions concerning the content of the courses, housing in greenland etc. you can contact assp@natur.gl 


All Bioinformatics courses in English 

Information on course selection in Bioinformatics

  • No English taught bachelor level courses available
  • All master level courses are available for 4th and 5th year exchange students with relevant academic background within the subject areas of Mathematics, Probability Theory, and Statistics, Programming and Algorithmics, as well as Molecular Biology and Genetics.  
  • 1st year master courses are available for 3rd year bachelor students, if they have a strong academic background within the subject areas of Mathematics, Probability Theory, and Statistics, Programming and Algorithmics, as well as Molecular Biology and Genetics.
  • Modules that are not available for exchange students are:
    Projects in Bioinformatics
    Master's Thesis


You can apply to be an exchange student in Biology at AU if you have a relevant academic background in Biological Sciences equivalent to 2 years of studies or a minimum of 120 ECTS.

A background in Biological Sciences includes courses in physiology, zoology, chemistry, mathematics, microbiology, ecology, molecular biology/biochemistry, genetics and evolution. 

All Biology courses in English

Bachelor courses

The Department of Biology offers a range of BSc level courses in English that you can choose if you have the right academic qualifications. 

Master/Graduate courses 

  • Master level courses are available to 4th and 5th year exchange students with a background in Biological Sciences.
  • You can only choose master level couses as a 3rd year BSc student, if you have a strong academic background in Biological Sciences and fulfill the required prerequisites of the specific course.  
  • Please be aware that you cannot register for courses that take place in Aarhus and in Nuuk (Greenland) in the same semester.  

Project Work

  • Master students (and in some cases bachelor students) can register for a 5-15 ECTS Biological Project. Biological projects involve research work under the supervision of scientific staff at the department. Exchange students should make efforts to identify preferred research topics and a supervisor in advance of their stay at AU. You can see some current project proposals here. And research sections and contact information is found here.

Modules that are NOT available for exchange students are:

  • Master's Thesis
  • Bachelor's Project  (instead of a Bachelor's Project you can register for a 15 ECTS Biological Project) 

Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry

All Chemistry courses in English

Bachelor courses
The Department of Chemistry offers a range of Bachelor level courses in English that you can choose if you have the right academic qualifications. 

Master/graduate courses

  • Master level courses are available for 4th and 5th year exchange students with relevant academic background within the subject areas of Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics.  
  • 1st year master courses are only available for 3rd year bachelor students, if they have a strong academic background within the subject areas of Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics.

Modules that are not available for exchange students are:

  • Master's Thesis

Computer Science and IT Product Development

All Computer Science and IT Product Development courses in English

Bachelor courses
The Department of Computer Science and IT Product Development offers a range of Bachelor level courses in English that you can choose if you have the right academic qualifications. 

Master/Graduate level courses

  • All master level courses at the MSc programme Computer Science are available for 4th and 5th year exchange students with relevant academic background within the subject areas of Computer Science, Mathematics, Probability Theory and Statistics.  
  • 1st year master courses are available for 3rd year bachelor students, if they have a strong academic background within the subject areas of Computer Science, Mathematics, Probability Theory and Statistics.
  • All master level courses at the MSc programme IT Product Development are available for 4th and 5th year exchange students with relevant academic background within the subject areas of  IT-Product Development, Industrial Design, Mathematics, Probability Theory and Statistics.    
  • 1st year master courses are available for 3rd year bachelor students, if they have a strong academic background within the subject areas of  IT-Product Development, Industrial Design, Mathematics, Probability Theory and Statistics.  

Modules that are NOT available for exchange students are:

  • Project Work in Computer Science
  • Project Work in IT Product Development
  • Bachelor’s Project in Computer Science
  • Bachelor’s Project in IT Product Development
  • Thesis - 30 ECTS - Computer Science
  • Thesis - 30 ECTS - IT Product Development

Geology and Geophysics

All Geoscience courses in English

Bachelor courses
The Department of Geoscience offers a range of Bachelor level courses in English that you can choose if you have the right academic qualifications.

Master/Graduate courses

  • Master level courses are available for 4th and 5th year exchange students with relevant academic background within the subject areas of Geology, Geophysics, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Probability theory, Statistics and Programming.  
  • 1st year master courses are only available for 3rd year bachelor students, if they have a strong academic background within the subject areas of Geology, Geophysics, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Probability theory, Statistics and Programming.

Modules that are not available for exchange students are:

  • Master's Thesis
  • Bachelor’s project
  • Geological/geophysical project (5-10 ECTS) - only available under special circumstances where a supervisor has already agreed to the project 

Mathematics, Statistics, Datascience and Mathematics-Economics

All courses at Department of Mathematics in English

Bachelor courses in English

The Department of Mathematics offers a range of Bachelor level courses in English that you can choose if you have the right academic qualifications.

Master/Graduate level courses - all in English

  • All master level courses at the MSc programme Mathematics are available for 4th and 5th year exchange students with relevant academic background within the subject areas of Abstract Algebra, Complex Analysis, Differential Equations, Differential Geometry and Topology.

  • 1st year master courses are available for 3rd year bachelor students, if they have a strong academic background within the subject areas of  Abstract Algebra, Complex Analysis, Differential Equations, Differential Geometry and Topology.

  • All master level courses at the MSc programme Statistics are available for 4th and 5th year exchange students with relevant academic background within the subject areas of Statistics and Probability Theory.   
  • 1st year master courses are available for 3rd year bachelor students, if they have a strong academic background within the subject areas of Statistics and Probability Theory.
  • All master level courses at the MSc programme Mathematics-Economics are available for 4th and 5th year exchange students with relevant academic background within the subject areas of Mathematics (Linear Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Measure and Integration Theory), Probability Theory and Statistics, Finance, Operational Research (Linear and Convex Optimization), and Economics (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Cost Accounting).  

  • 1st year master courses are available for 3rd year bachelor students, if they have a strong academic background within the subject areas of Mathematics (Linear Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Measure and Integration Theory), Probability Theory and Statistics, Finance, Operational Research (Linear and Convex Optimization), and Economics (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Cost Accounting).

Modules that are NOT available for exchange students are:

  • Projects in Mathematics and Statistics
  • Bachelor's Project
  • Master's Thesis

Molecular Biology

You can apply to be an exchange student in Molecular Biology at AU if you have a relevant academic background in Biological/Biochemical Sciences equivalent to a minimum of 120 ECTS.

A background in Biological Sciences includes courses in physiology, chemistry/organic chemistry, mathematics/statistics, microbiology, molecular biology/biochemistry and genetics. 

All courses offered in English by Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Bachelor level courses in English

The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics offers a range of Bachelor level courses in English that you can choose if you have the right academic qualifications. 

Master level courses - all in English  

Master level courses are available to both bachelor and master level students if they have the right academic qualifications.  

Project work

  • You can register for a 10-30 ECTS Molecular Biology Project. Projects involve research work under the supervision of scientific staff at the department. You must find a research topic and a supervisor in advance of your stay at AU.
  • A list of available projects is found here and research sections and contact information is available here.   

Modules that are NOT available to exchange students are:

  • Master's Thesis
  • Bachelor's Project - instead of a Bachelor's Project you can register for a Molecular Biology Project


All nanoscience courses offered in English

Bachelor courses

The Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) offers a limited selection of BSc level courses in English

Master/Graduate courses - all in English 

  • Master level courses are available for 4th and 5th year exchange students with relevant academic background within the subject areas of Chemistry, Physics, Molecular Biology and Mathematics as well as dedicated Nanoscience courses.  
  • 1st year master courses are only available for 3rd year bachelor students, if they have a strong academic background within the subject areas of Chemistry, Physics, Molecular Biology and Mathematics as well as dedicated Nanoscience courses.

Modules that are not available for exchange students are:

  • Master's Thesis

Physics and Astronomy

All physics and astronomy courses offered in English

Bachelor/Undergraduate Courses

The Department of Physics and Astronomy offers a selection of BSc level courses in English available to students with the right academic qualifications. 

Master/Graduate Courses

  • Master level courses are available for 4th and 5th year exchange students with relevant academic background within the subject areas of Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics and Statistics.  
  • 1st year master courses are only available for 3rd year bachelor students, if they have a strong academic background within the subject areas of Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics and Statistics.

Modules that are not available for exchange students are:

  • Master's Thesis

Science Studies

All Science Studies courses offered in English

Information on course selection in Science Studies

  • No English taught bachelor level courses available
  • All master level courses are available for 4th and 5th year exchange students with relevant academic background within the field of Natural Sciences, History and Philosophy of Science, Science Communication, and related areas.  
  • 1st year master courses are available for 3rd year bachelor students, if they have a strong academic background within the field of Natural Sciences, History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Science Communication, and related areas.

Modules that are not available for exchange students are:

  • Projects in Science Studies
  • Master's Thesis

When can you see the courses for the next semester? 

Our course offer is settled around April 1 for the following autumn semester and around October 1 for the following spring semester. Until then you can look at the courses we offered in the previous year.

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