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HM Queen Margrethe II’s travel grant to students at Aarhus University

As part of the university’s annual celebration in September, HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grants will be awarded to five talented students at Aarhus University.

Facts about HRM Queen Margrethe II’s travel grant

  • The travel grant was established in 2010 as a present to HM Queen Margrethe on the occasion of her 70th birthday.
  • At Aarhus BSS and Arts, the grants go to students of political science and archaeology – the subjects that Her Majesty studied during her time as a student at Aarhus University in 1961-62. No restrictions with regard to subject apply to candidates from Faculty of Health, Faculty of Natural Science and Faculty of Technical Science.
  • The 25,000 kroner travel grants are intended to make it possible for their recipients to study abroad in connection with their studies at Aarhus University.

Recipients 2023



Frederik Søren Nielsen, Master’s degree student in archaeology, School of Culture and Society, Faculty of Arts

Frederik Søren Nielsen is particularly interested in the urban space of Late Antiquity, which was the topic of his Bachelor’s project. Throughout his studies, he has conducted several field trips, including on the Danish-Italian excavations in Francavilla Marittima in southern Italy. And, since 2022, he has been affiliated with the Danish Halikarnassos Project in the Turkish city of Bodrum, where, among other things, he has helped document the archaeological finds.

In his Master’s thesis, which is based on the cities of Asia Minor, Frederik Søren Nielsen will investigate how we can understand ruins and abandoned places in the cities of Late Antiquity and the role that ruins play in our experience of the urban space.

The HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant will enable Frederik Søren Nielsen to conduct a field trip in western Turkey, where he can investigate the places that will feature in his Master’s thesis.

Tobias Rehoff Hyldahl, Master’s degree student in political science, Department of Political Science, Aarhus BSS

Tobias Rehoff Hyldahl is interested in political behaviour and comparative politics. He has written major assignments on how anger affects the formation of voters’ political opinions, and how hateful social media users become more extreme when they are censored and moved to alternative platforms.

Tobias Rehoff Hyldahl has worked as a student assistant on two research projects and as a student instructor on the General Political Science and Methods programme. He has also volunteered as a coach at Politiken’s school for criticism and debate.

Tobias Rehoff Hyldahl will use the HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant to help fund his study abroad at the University of California, Berkeley. UC Berkeley is home to some of the world’s leading political science researchers, and he hopes to draw on their knowledge before he returns to Aarhus to write his Master’s thesis.

Mohsen Redda, Master’s degree student in medicine, Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health

Mohsen Redda is already pursuing a research career and, in his upcoming PhD project, he will develop earlier and more precise methods to diagnose and monitor glioblastoma, the most common type of brain tumour. During his research year at the Magnetic Resonance Research Centre, he has published abstracts and presented these at several international conferences.

Throughout his studies, he has worked as a student advisor for new medical students and engaged in work for boards and associations. He has also worked as a student instructor on the medical degree programme since 2018, where students have repeatedly named him student instructor of the year.

The HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant will enable Mohsen Redda to complete a research stay at Cambridge University, where he will conduct clinical work on brain tumours and molecular MR imaging, which will be of great value to his upcoming PhD project.

Signe Bjerg Kristensen, Master’s degree student in molecular medicine, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Natural Sciences

Signe Bjerg Kristensen is driven by the desire to find out how the body works. How do the body’s cells fight an infection? And what are the molecular-biological mechanisms behind disease?

Alongside her studies, Signe Bjerg Kristensen has been a student advisor for new students. She is also an active member of the CELLskab student association at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and works at the department’s Visiting Service, where she teaches upper-secondary school pupils how to conduct laboratory work.

The HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant will enable Signe Bjerg Kristensen to study at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She is looking forward to experiencing another university that also excels in the natural sciences.

Nikolaj Kühne Jakobsen, Bachelor’s degree student in Computer Technology, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Technical Sciences

Nikolaj Kühne Jakobsen is interested in ground-breaking technologies and has helped to develop an email client that employs a user-defined filtering system to automatically categorise and delete emails. He has also engaged in a variety of hobby projects that range from robot technology to the Internet of Things and algorithms on quantum computers.

He is employed as a research assistant in the Section for Software Engineering & Computing Systems, where he is focusing on the project Reducing the Cyber Attack Surface (RCAS). In 2023, he is due to publish two articles – one as main author and one as co-author.  

Nikolaj Kühne Jakobsen intends to use the HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA. He hopes to visit the research group directed by Professor Daniel Jackson, which examines how concept specifications can be used to help large language models like ChatGPT generate more effective code.