Aarhus University Seal

ERC Grants

The ERC (European Research Council) awards 5 types of grant to researchers employed at a European university.

  • Starting Grants (StG) are awarded to promising early-career research talents with two to seven years of experience after completing a PhD. Up to EUR 1.5 million is awarded to groundbreaking research projects for a period of five years.
  • Consolidator Grants (CoG) are awarded to promising early-career research talents and research leaders with seven to twelve years of experience after completing a PhD. Up to EUR 2 million is awarded for groundbreaking research projects for a period of five years.
  • Advanced Grants (AdG) are awarded to exceptional research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Up to EUR 2.5 million is awarded to groundbreaking research projects for a period of five years.
  • Proof of concept (PoC) Grants are awarded to existing ERC grant holders to explore the innovation potential of the ideas in their ERC research project, which must either be in progress or have been completed less than twelve months prior to the ERC PoC grant call. Up to EUR 150,000 is awarded for a period of twelve months.
  • Synergy Grants of up to EUR 10 million are awarded to cover expenses of large research projects for a period of up to six years. An extra EUR 4 million can be awarded for special expenses related to the commencement of a project, such as purchasing particularly expensive equipment. Synergy Grants enable Principal Investigators on different projects to bring together their knowledge, competencies and resources to create new synergy that can solve ambitious research problems, secure paradigm shifts and take branches of research in new directions. Between two and four Principal Investigators can join forces to apply for a Synergy Grant, and they must all have excellent CVs and publication lists. Applicants from all academic disciplines are welcome, as the applicants must define the project themselves.

Receivers of ERC Grants at Aarhus University


Starting Grants:

Proof of Concept Grants:

  • Professor Sarang Dalal, Department of Clinical Medicine
  • Professor Lasse Lindekilde, Department of Political Science

Consolidator grants 2023:

  • Lektor Søren Ulstrup, Department of Physics and Astronomy (In Danish only)
  • Professor Claudio Orlandi, Department of Computer Science
  • Professor Kasper Green Larsen, Department of Computer Science
  • Lektor Srikanth Srinivasan, Department of Computer Science (Relocated to University of Copenhagen)

Synergy grants 2023:

  • Lektor Katrine Juul Andresen, Department of Geoscience


Advanced Grants:

  • Professor Lars Birkedal, Department of Computer Science (In Danish only)
  • Professor Søren Fournais, Institut for Matematik (Relocated to University of Copenhagen)
  • Lektor Thomas Bataillon, Center for Bioinformatik (BiRC) (Partner in a project led by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian)

Starting Grants

Consolidator Grants

  • Professor Doug Speed, Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics
  • Professor David Reimer, Danish School of Education (Relocated to University of Iceland)

Synergy Grants

Proof of Concept Grants:

  • Professor Anders Møller, Department of Computer Science

Receivers of ERC Grants 2007-2020


Consolidator Grants:

Synergy Grants:

Starting Grants: 

Advanced Grants 2020:


Consolidator Grants:

Starting Grants:

Synergy Grants:

Proof of Concept Grants:


Advanced Grants:

Consolidator Grants:

Synergy Grants:

  • Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Department of Mathematics (Relocated to University of Southern Denmark)

Starting Grants:


Advanced Grants:

  • Professor Søren Riis Paludan, Department of Biomedicine

Starting Grants 2017:

  • Associate Professor Simon Elliot Wall, Department of Physics and Astronomy


Advanced Grants:

  • Professor Susanne Bødker, Department of Computer Science


Advanced Grants:

  • Professor Marco Capogna, Department of Biomedicine

Starting Grants:

  • Group leader, Associate Professor Sadegh Nabavi, DANDRITE, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Consolidator Grants:

  • Associate Professor Ebbe Sloth Andersen, iNANO, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics


Advanced Grants:

  • Professor Ivan Damgård, Department of Computer Science

Starting Grants:

  • Associate Professor Bjørn Panyella Pedersen, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
  • Senior Researcher Jan-Pieter Buylaert, Department of Geoscience
  • Group leader, Associate Professor Keisuke Yonehara, DANDRITE, Department of Biomedicine
  • Professor MSO Jacob Sherson, Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • Professor Sarang Suresh Dalal, Department of Clinical Medicine

Consolidator Grants:

  • Professor Anders Møller, Department of Computer Science
  • Associate Professor  Liv Hornekær, Department of Physics and Astronomy / iNANO


Consolidator Grants:

  • Associate Professor Alexander Zelikin, Department of Chemistry
  • Professor Morten Kringelbach, Center for Music in the Brain

Advanced Grants:

  • Professor Torben Heick Jensen, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Starting Grants:

  • Professor Preben Bo Mortensen,The National Center for Register-based Research


Advanced Grants:

  • Professor Jeffrey Hangst, Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • Professor Henrik Stapelfeldt, Department of Chemistry

Starting Grants:

  • Associate Professor Hans Fynbo, Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • Associate ProfessorThomas Bataillon, Bioinformatic Research Centre
  • Professor Jens-Christian Svenning, Department of Bioscience
  • Professor Mads Meier Jæger, Danish School of Education
  • Professor Søren Kragh Moestrup, Department of Biomedicine


Advanced Grants:

  • Professor Bo Barker Jørgensen, Department of Ecoscience
  • Professor Poul Jørgensen, Department of Chemistry
  • Professor Preben Bo Mortensen, Department of Economics
  • Professor Lars Peter Nielsen, Department of Ecoscience

Starting Grants:

  • Professor Trine Bilde, Department of Ecoscience
  • Professor Lars Bojer Madsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • Professor Jesper Buus Nielsen, Department of Computer Science
  • Senior Researcher Matthias Ketzel, Department of Environmental Science


Advanced Grants:

  • Professor Jens Stougaard, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
  • Professor Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard, Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • Professor Niels Peter Revsbech, Department of Ecoscience

Starting Grants:

  • Associate Professor Jiong Li, Department of Clinical Medicine


Advanced Grants:

  • Professor Poul Nissen, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics / Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center

Starting Grants:

  • Associate Professor Jeppe Vang, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center
  • Professor Morten Overgaard, Regionshospitalet Hammel Neurocenter / Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, Depaartment of Clinical Medicine


Advanced Grants:

  • Professor Søren Kragh Moestrup, Department of Biomedicine
  • Professor Flemming Besenbacher, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center


Starting Grants:

  • Dr. Klaus Ostermann, Department of Computer Science
  • Professor Liv Hornekær, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center
  • Professor Søren Fournais, Department of Mathematics