Aarhus University Seal

Guest apartments in the Nobelpark residence

Nobelparken, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 20, 22 & 24

Aarhus University’s three guest houses with 30 apartments are situated in the Nobel Park next to Aarhus University.

The apartments can only be rented by foreign guest professors and researchers visiting Aarhus University for limited periods of minimum two months and maximum 12 months. However, if there are vacancies also postdocs will be considered on a waiting-list-basis. 1 month = 1 calendar month. If the first of a month falls on a weekend or a Danish holiday you cannot move in until the following Monday/weekday after 3 pm. The lessee must vacate the apartment no later than 10 am – 3 weekdays before the lease expires (which is the last day of a month. Saturday, Sunday or any kind of Danish holiday is not a weekday). The guests must be recommended by AU.

The apartments are fully furnished with Danish design furniture and are equipped with linen, kitchen utensils, television, and wireless internet linked to the network of the university. The price includes heating, water, electricity, internet access, and cable TV. Pets are not allowed.

The apartments are NOT hotel rooms and the guests are expected to take good care of the apartments during their stay, just as they, when moving out, are expected to leave the apartments as they received them.

The following types of apartments are available:

Number of apartments

Address Size m2 Price/month per 1 July 2024
12 studios with private kitchen and bathroom  44 5.900 DKK
2 one-bedroom apartments 59 6.900 DKK
2 one-bedroom apartments 69 7.900 DKK
4 one-bedroom apartments 78 8.800 DKK
8 two-bedroom apartments 83 9.500 DKK
2 three-bedroom apartments 121 14.200 DKK

Rent is regulated every year on July 1st. When paying the first month's rent, the tenant is required to also pay a deposit equal to one month's rent.

Applications for these flats must be made by the faculty/institute at which the coming guest will be working and cannot be done by the guest him/herself. The application must be accepted and recommended by the Dean of the faculty in question.

All applications must be made to FEAS Bolig P/S by contacting:
Helle Andersen:  +45 89 42 70 20, ha@feas.dk