Aarhus University Seal

Nobelpark, Old Observatory Villa, Peter Sabroes Gade

Who can apply?

The apartments in the Nobelpark, Peter Sabroes Gade and at the Old Observatory Villa are available to foreign guest professors or researchers. However, in the case of an availability that cannot be filled by a guest professor or researcher, an application made on behalf of a postdoc will be considered on a waiting-list-basis.

How to apply? 

Applications for these flats must be made by the faculty/institute at which the coming guest will be working and cannot be done by the guest him/herself. The application must be accepted and recommended by the Dean of the faculty in question.

All applications must be made to FEAS Bolig P/S by contacting:
Helle Andersen:  +45 89 42 70 20, ha@feas.dk