Aarhus University Seal

Apply for accommodation - interns

Before you apply

Before starting your housing application please read the Terms and Conditions for the AU Housing service.

You need to have (access to) a credit/debit card to be able to make a reservation via AU Housing. If you don't have (access to) a credit card, you should not send in an application to AU Housing but instead look for options at the housing market.

A booking fee of 600 DKK will be charged if you accept a housing offer from AU housing. (It is free of charge to send in an application.)

Please be aware that we receive many housing applications and often have very few vacant rooms. It means that you might receive a housing offer starting before or after the date you have applied for or no housing offer at all. In case you need short term accommodation please find some options here. Due to limited ressources we are able to send one housing offer per applicant only. If you decline a housing offer you should therefore be prepared to start the house hunting process yourself. Please find some suggestions here. 

Do you need housing in Aarhus, Herning or Emdrup? Check the location of your place of study/work carefully, and write the preferred location on your housing application form.

Acces mit.au.dk (Self-service system)

If you wish to apply for housing via AU Housing you have to fill in an online housing application. In order to do this, you first have to access https://mit.au.dk/ (Self-service system).

  • If you already have an AU ID, please use this as your user ID in order to log in.
  • If you don’t have an AU ID, please create an account in the Self-service system. Find directions on creating a Self-service account here.

Housing application form

  1. Once you have accessed the Self-service system, you can fill in your online housing application by using this application form: PhD, visiting PhD, guest students. Do NOT choose any of the other forms.
  2. You can now start filling out the housing application form with all the necessary details. Remember to press the 'save' button on each page as you fill out the form.
    Do you need more help filling out the housing application form? Find a detailed guide here.
  3. The last step of the application process titled 'Contact person at Aarhus University' is particularly important for you to be aware of. Here you will be required to provide a confirmation of your affiliation to AU. Fill in the contact information of your contact person, supervisor or another AU employee, who can confirm your affiliation. Press the 'submit request' button in order to ask your contact person to confirm your affiliation. 
  4. An email will automatically be sent to the contact person/supervisor you have listed asking them to confirm your affiliation.
  5. As you will have to wait for a response from the person in question, you can safely exit your housing application, which is automatically saved after you have pressed the 'submit request' button. You are not able to submit your housing application before your contact person has confirmed your affiliation to AU. It is therefore your responsibility to follow up with your listed contact person if they have not confirmed your affiliation after some time.
  6. You will receive an email when your contact person has confirmed your affiliation to AU.
  7. You can now log into www.mit.au.dk, re-open your saved housing application and submit it. 

Receiving a housing offer

Housing offer

  1. If AU Housing is able to find a room for you, you will receive a housing offer by email.
  2. You can expect to hear from us 6-8 weeks before the date you choose as your preferred moving in date.
  3. Through this email you will gain access to the Housing reservation system, where you need to either confirm or decline your housing offer within 2 days of receiving the email. It is therefore very important for you to regularly check your email.
  4. If you want to confirm your housing offer, press the 'confirm' button.


  1. When you have pressed the 'confirm' button, you will be directed to the payment page, where you will be asked to pay the first month's rent with a credit card. For your information, a security deposit will be charged later on together with the second month's rent. Additionally, it is important to remember, for future payments, that it is only possible to pay your rent through our online payment system using a credit card.
  2. When you have paid the first month's rent you will receive a receipt of your payment. Please notice that your housing reservation is not valid before you have paid the first month's rent and received a receipt. 
  3. Make sure that you have read the full Terms and Conditions of the AU housing service, which includes relevant information, such as the cancellation policy.


Contract & Key

After arrival in Aarhus, you can collect your key and sign your contract at the International Centre, Dale T. Mortensen Building, Høegh Guldbergs Gade 4, DK-8000 Aarhus C on weekdays between 10am and 2pm.

Questions? Please contact housing@au.dk