Aarhus University Seal

Accommodation for couples, Aarhus

Students arriving with their partner and/or children have a range of housing options available to them. Below you find useful information.

AU Housing

  • AU Housing offers a limited number of one-bedroom apartments for specific categories of students. If you are interested, you can find more information on this housing option under "TYPE 6" on our website. To apply for this type of housing, you need to indicate on your application that you are applying for housing as a couple or family. However, please note that these apartments are quite small, ranging from 30-45 m2, and not suitable for families with older children. Age limit: 18-35 years. Additionally, due to high demand, you should also consider alternative housing options. If both you and your partner are admitted as new students at AU, you can apply for two single rooms in an apartment (type 4) (both of you need to send in an application).

  • Be aware that AU Housing doesn't have any double rooms and that it is not allowed to live two persons in a single room. Therefore, couples must apply for an apartment (type 6) or two single rooms (type 4.)

  • Different student categories have different housing application procedures. Find your category here, and read more about your housing application procedure.

  • Only one person needs to be a student.
  • Maximum lenght of contract: 12 months.
  • AU Housing is unable to provide housing to all applicants, so it is crucial that you do not solely depend on this option and explore alternative options as well. In particular, we suggest checking out www.studenthousingaarhus.com.

Student Housing Aarhus

  • The age limit is 18-35 years. Are you older than 35, you should look at the alternatives described below.
  • Couples can apply for housing at Student Housing Aarhus.  More information here. Student Housing Aarhus offers a variety of small apartments suitable for two persons and eventual children. The apartments are small and not suitable for larger families. Be aware that two persons are not allowed to live in a studio or a single room, so you need to apply for a one bedroom apartment (in Denmark we call it at 2 room apartment = one bedroom + one living room.)

Private market

  • You will find a large number of apartments at the private market. You find some options here.

Aarhus Bolig

  • AARHUSbolig is a waiting list collaboration between all public housing organizations in Aarhus and the surrounding area. The collaboration is a great advantage for those looking for housing: You only need to be on one central waiting list to access 45,000 homes in the Aarhus area. You need to pay a fee (100-400 DKK/year) to sign up at the waiting list.