Aarhus University Seal

Housing options Emdrup

Accommodation service - no housing guarantee
AU offers a housing service, but no housing guarantee. It means that you yourself are responsible for finding accommodation. However, we will be happy to try to help you finding accommodation in the Copenhagen area. It is difficult to find accommodation and you should be prepared to spend time on house hunting. Furthermore, please bear in mind that rooms close to campus are few and expensive and you as well as very many Danish students should be prepared to live at a distance from campus. However, public transportation is widely available and therefore it is not a problem to live 10-15 km from campus.

How can we help you?
AU disposes of six rooms in Det Nye Emdrupborg Kollegium – a residence close to campus Emdrup. If it is not possible to offer you one of these rooms we will try to help you finding a room to sublet with a private landlord.

We are only able to give you one housing offer either at the Emdrupborg Kollegium or with a private landlord. If you for some reason choose to reject this offer, we will not be able to provide you with a new one, which means that you will have to find accommodation on your own.

About subletting
AU Housing is only in charge of arranging the contact between you and the landlord, and therefore any legal issues are a matter between you and the landlord. You must contact the landlord, arrange the contract and the payment of rent and deposit yourself.

Apply for housing through AU