Aarhus University Seal

Organizational Design and Change

This course is open for applications from May 1 – May 31

Today’s continuously changing environments ask for continuous organizational change. Yet, many organizing principles essentially were developed more than fifty years ago, to address environments that were considerably more static. We will discuss societal changes, including technological advancement, workforce trends  and environmental shifts and how these drive the need for organizational change.  

The course content reflects a comprehensive understanding of the evolving landscape of organizational dynamics, empowering students to become adept in leading and thriving in modern organizational environments. It bridges theoretical knowledge with practical skills and competencies, preparing students for future roles as employees and managers, capable of driving change via organizational design.  

We will discuss traditional organizational design options and their advantages and disadvantages in achieving organizational goals in contemporary settings. Students will gain insights into established structures and methods, allowing them to critically evaluate their applicability in modern contexts.  

A fundamental part of the course relates to exploring the potential in new ways of organizing. We will cover the foundational principles underpinning contemporary organizational designs, and we will discuss the fundamental concepts behind innovative structures such as collaborative communities, agile organizations, and remote work setups.  We will familiarize ourselves with their pros and cons, and develop competencies in implementing (aspects of) these in a cohesive and proactive fashion. 

Based on this knowledge, the course is designed to help students identify the most suitable organizational design mechanisms for specific contexts. They develop the ability to make informed decisions about which design principles to apply in various situations.

The course has relevance for future employees and managers who anticipate the need to learn more about how to envision, plan and/or implement organizational change initiatives within their organizations. The course will provide participants with hands-on methods and tools, as well as a more foundational theoretical understanding of the range of organizational principles of organizing and their potential in getting you where you want to be in the future.   

Exam info and full course description

Exam info and full course description can be found in the course catalogue.

Admission Requirements

Course specific:

A Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or Business Economics or an equivalent degree. Knowledge of Organizational Behavior and potentially Organization Theory is an advantage, but not a requirement.


Exchange Students: nomination from your home university

Freemovers: documentation for English Language proficiency

You can read more about the admission here.