Aarhus University Seal

Organisational Misbehaviour

This course is cancelled

Students will begin by developing their understanding of the components of misbehaviour. The importance of prior assumptions in the perception of organisational behaviour and misbehaviour is emphasised. Organisational behaviour tends to operate with unitarist values and norm. Organisational misbehaviour reflects a variety of actions, relations and attitudes that do not conform to organisational standards and demands, but which supplement and all too often complement them.

Thus, a key aim of the module is to identify and understand the habitual tendencies to misbehaviour found in different groups in the workplace. There are many signs that organisational misbehaviour is becoming more widespread and diverse in recent years, and it is no longer something that can be thought of as restricted to ordinary employees. Recent decades have seen the emergence of widespread managerial misbehaviour, which must also become the subject of scrutiny. Misbehaviour also goes beyond the organisational territory and takes places in social media. What are the consequence for the organisation when misbehaviour is becoming more varied and diverse? What are the organisational policies and managerial interventions that can be utilized to eliminate toxic misbehaviour? What managerial competencies are needed for that and what methodologies are essential for keeping the process transparent and evidence-based. These aspects will be explored in this module, reading cutting edge literature, as well as classics and practitioner guidelines.

Exam info and full course description

Exam info and full course description can be found in the course catalogue.

Admission Requirements

Course specific:

To apply for the course you must either be enrolled in a bachelor's degree, have a bachelor's degree or have passed a qualifying entry examination.


Exchange Students: nomination from your home university

Freemovers: documentation for English Language proficiency

You can read more about the admission here.


Knut Laaser 


Academic profile


Knut Laaser is Lecturer in Management Work and Organisation at University of Stirling, United Kingdom. His research interests are wide ranging, covering the sociology of work, organisations and economic sociology.