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Economics of Football: How Behavioral Economics Can Explain Soccer

This course is fully booked (no waiting list)

Behavioural economics have been gaining relevance in recent years; it has a powerful set of tools that complement standard economic theory. This course in particular uses soccer as an illustration of theories and empirical evidence related with
consumers’ behaviour and its incentives. Soccer is probably the must popular professional sport in the world, it generates a sizable amount of information that can be systematize and help us to explore the validity of economic theories and in particular those of behavioural economics.

Exam info and full course description

Exam info and full course description can be found in the course catalogue

Admission Requirements

Course specific:

To apply for the course you must either be enrolled in a bachelor's degree, have a bachelor's degree or have passed a qualifying entry examination. 

Students must have passed an introduction to economics course. A microeconomics course is also advised.  


Exchange Students: nomination from your home university

Freemovers: documentation for English Language proficiency

You can read more about the admission here.


Ferran Armada



Ferran Armada is a lecturer at the University of Barcelona, Spain. He is an applied economist interested in a variation of subjects from effects of economic integration in Europe to Behavioral economics, passing through income inequality and labour markets in (Southern) Europe.