Aarhus University Seal

Six Sigma Design and Innovation

Six Sigma has developed largely in parallel with and complementary to Lean Enterprise theory and methods. This is often referred to as ‘Lean Six Sigma’, where innovation in design of products, production processes and services are addressed through a ‘lean lens’, which is highly resource sensitive, or a ‘lean and green’ lens, which, additionally, embeds social and ecological considerations and where ‘algorithms’ are used e.g. relying on the DMAIC process (define, measure, analyse, improve, control).

Integrated design, innovation and lean approaches provide highly structured and complementary strategies for acquiring, assessing and activating customer, competitor and enterprise intelligence that lead to superior product/services, systems or enterprise innovation and designs that are intended to meet and surpass stakeholder expectations, thus driving an enterprise’s quest for a sustainable competitive advantage. This is accomplished through strategic linkage of customer-driven, highly resource-efficient approaches that yield nearly perfectly performing processes and products.

Exam info and full course description

Exam info and full course description can be found in the course catalogue.

Admission Requirements

Course specific:

To apply for the course, you must have passed a Bachelor's degree in Business Economics, Business Administration, or an equivalent degree.


Exchange Students: nomination from your home university

Freemovers: documentation for English Language proficiency

You can read more about the admission here.


Marco Ferreira Rodrigues Nogueira Santos 


Marco Santos is an Assistant Professor at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University in Sweden.