Aarhus University Seal

Modernity, Knowledge and Social Pathology

In this summer school module, we dive into the connection between modernity, knowledge and social pathology. We engage in debates about crucial issues like fake news, radicalization, and the knowledge crisis. We're faced with questions: Can knowledge be a solution to our societal problems, or does it somehow contribute to them? Is there really a knowledge crisis, and if so, how do universities respond?

We'll explore different viewpoints, mainly critical theory and functional approaches, to gain a comprehensive understanding.

Find full course description in the course catalogue

Exam info and full course description

Exam info and full course description can be found in the course catalogue.

Please notice that this course is passed by active participation, and you will not receive a specific grade. Only pass/fail will appear on your transcript.

Admission Requirements

Course specific:

To apply for the course you must have passed a relevant Bachelor's degree.


Exchange students: nomination from your home university

Freemovers: documentation for English Language proficiency

You can read more about admission here.