The world currently sees a tremendous decline in biodiversity driven by the accelerated human resource demand. As a response, regulators such as the EU are demanding companies to engage with biodiversity impacts as part of their sustianblity and ESG work. Companies lack knowledge of how to understand and respond to their biodiversity impact. This course educates students to be able to engage in these issues. The course explores the complex relationship between business and biodiversity, examining how businesses impact biodiversity and, in turn, how biodiversity influences business operations and long-term resilience. Students will explore the challenges businesses face in managing biodiversity and the opportunities for businesses to improve their biodiversity performance. The course covers multiple functional areas, including management, leadership, marketing, supply chain, and finance, and considers the roles of government and policy. Through lectures, interactive discussions, and case study analysis, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of biodiversity and its intersection with corporate management and leadership, with a focus on critical thinking and adaptive decision-making in real-world contexts.
Exam info and full course description can be found in the course catalogue.
Course specific:
To apply for the course, you must have passed a Bachelor's degree in Business Economics, Business Administration, or an equivalent degree. Familiarity with ecology and environmental topics will be beneficial.
Exchange students: nomination from your home university
Freemovers: documentation for English Language proficiency
You can read more about admission here.
Jordan Patterson Howell is an associate professor of Sustainable Buisness at Rowan University in New Jersey. His acadmic interests is examining the role of markets and how they interact with the environment and sustainability.